Shading of viscircles weird behavior
viscircles() uses 2D coordinates, with an implicit ZData of 0. When you draw a surface, the surface has 3D coordinates. When ...

11 giorni fa | 0

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Truth Table Test Coverage Results Unclear
My interpretation would be that the T or F in normal font is the expected solution for the situation. Then if the expected solut...

11 giorni fa | 0

Unable to called a function
You are using a third-party package that implements some of its functionality through mex code. The package is calling upon rk78...

11 giorni fa | 0

Can I send image from Matlab to iPhone?
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/64652-matlab_to_iphone_and_ipad With this toolbox, you can create Apple i...

12 giorni fa | 0

Count unique vector in a sequence
Put them together into one 2D array, arranging them as rows (rather than as columns), and then use unique() with the 'rows' opti...

13 giorni fa | 2

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MCC USB-231 DAQ Digital I/O
USB-231 is not a supported device. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2132986-mcc-usb-231-compatibility-with-simul...

13 giorni fa | 0

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The Output structure of a code is showing different outputs in command window and workspace
The command window version is the result of an implicit execution of the display method. The display method examines the object ...

13 giorni fa | 0

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Does SoC Model Creator support only Vivado 2020.2?
Vivado 2023.1 requires R2023a. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/518421-which-versions-of-xilinx-vivado-are-suppo...

14 giorni fa | 0

Error message when using timers in AppDesigner after a few seconds running
'TimerFcn', @app.timerTest); the timer will be created with a TimerFcn that is a function handle to a function that expects two...

14 giorni fa | 0

Why does the error at the bottom show up even though the correct dataset seems to be selected?
Your values in the table are scalars. You cannot create response variables from scalars.

14 giorni fa | 0

Confusion of IMAQ, get data "logging"
Before getdata has been invoked, the images either do not exist (for cameras that do not have an automatic shutter) -- or else t...

14 giorni fa | 0

Error when using "retime" function MATLAB 2024a.
One of the timetables contains a variable named INV1Spd but that variable is not type single or double. You should check that t...

15 giorni fa | 0

dicomreadVolume 'Directory was not readable' error
You would get that error if MATLAB cannot find the given file on the MATLAB path. Typically, that means that you specified the ...

15 giorni fa | 0

Using output of a function into the integral2 Function - Unrecognized function or variable
U_Rad is defined only as the nominal output variable of function Cuts. You call E_Plane(n) = Cuts(loop_theta, phi_E); ...

16 giorni fa | 0

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Which MATLAB license should I buy as a reseacher working in an NGO?
You cannot use a Student license or a Home license for your research work. Officially you will need to get a Standard license (...

16 giorni fa | 1

Please I want help I have homework I made a mistake saving the file
Sorry, the code is gone. The one remaining hope is that an .asv might have been saved in the same directory as the file. https...

16 giorni fa | 0

Displaying figure from function in MATLAB gui
function Plot(Val, ax) X = [0:0.5:5]; Y = [0:0.1:1]; [x,y] = meshgrid(X,Y); z1 = [x.*y.*57.5]; ...

17 giorni fa | 0

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solving symbolic equations with partial derivatives
You need to create a function, theta, and express the other functions in terms of theta, and then use functionalDerivative

17 giorni fa | 0

sum of harmonic series 1+1/2+1/3
syms n result = symsum(1/n, 1, 5000)

17 giorni fa | 1

Difficulty in plotting equation in matlab
N = 1.15; k = 1.38e-23; q = 1.6e-19; Vgo = 1.174; Rso = 0.085; Iso = 21.6e-15; alphao = 0.0165; Rth = 1; T_ambient...

18 giorni fa | 0

Error in ode15s
[t,T]=ode15s(@f,t,IC); ode15s is to invoke function f, passing it time in the first parameter and passing initial conditions in...

18 giorni fa | 0

How can I use selections from multiple uidropdowns as function inputs?
Inside the plotting function, access the uidropdown value property directly for the two controls. xval = app.XDropDown.Value; ...

18 giorni fa | 0

The blank before var >0.5 cause error in R2016a
You are running into Command Function Equivalence https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/command-vs-function-syntax.h...

18 giorni fa | 0

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When plotting multiple subplots in the for loop, how do you stop the axes from overlapping?
ax1 = axes(t); That either creates a new axes for the figure number or figure handle is given in t, or else actives the...

19 giorni fa | 0

uigetfile canceled returns 0, converting my string to a scalar
if isnumeric(infile) instead of testing == 0

19 giorni fa | 0

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How can I execute the empirical mode decomposition (emd) syntax in MATLAB R2016b?
The emd() function was introduced in MATLAB R2018a.

19 giorni fa | 0

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Can I use a student license if I am not currently enrolled in courses?
Officially, you can only use the Student license to complete course work. As you currently are not taking any courses, officiall...

19 giorni fa | 0

How to use contourf to plot a mesh not generated in matlab, i.e. imported mesh coordinates from abaqus. The issue is that coordinates are not sequential.
Perhaps try https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10408-contours-for-triangular-grids https://www.mathworks.co...

19 giorni fa | 0

System Composer addition to suite
System Composer is not available for the Home license. The products available for the Home license are restricted to the ones ...

19 giorni fa | 0

how can i use my GPU from openVPN to my matlab
If your GPU is on the same system that MATLAB is running on, then just go ahead and use the GPU normally. If your GPU is on you...

20 giorni fa | 0

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