PIN configuration without Hardware Support Package
No, it does not.

17 giorni fa | 0

How to use neural network classifier in predict function?
See https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/427309-classify-requires-at-least-3-arguments#answer_445205 for more informa...

17 giorni fa | 1

Adding Volshow Plot to Existing Figure
There is no apparent way to combine volshow() with anything else. The volume object returned by volumeViewer() does not have an ...

17 giorni fa | 0

rect function on the interval x= -5:0.1:5.
Well, as a basic framework it is fine... after making y a call to rectangularPulse... and after changing the title and ylabel.....

17 giorni fa | 0

Convert Set of (x,y) Coordinates Into Polygon
load coordinates coordinates = coords; k = boundary(coordinates); plot(coordinates(k,1), coordinates(k,2))

18 giorni fa | 1

Using msiwrite with phased antenna objects
msiwrite() is defined in the Antenna toolbox. phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement is defined in the Phased Array System Toolbox. ...

18 giorni fa | 1

| accettato

Variable number of inputs in inputdlg with pre-selected values when inputs equals 6
In the inputdlg() call, the third position is field size, not default input. answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlgtitle,fieldsize,defin...

18 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

urlread - IP address could not be determined
urlread accepts a Timeout option However, the Timeout is on reading data only. There is no option for telling urlread to retry ...

18 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

how does trimr function work
The code for trimr is shown in https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/452463-functions-may-be-used-incompatibly-or-rede...

18 giorni fa | 0

I want to make a plotmatrix that changes styles depending on what is selected in a dropdown menu. I keep getting errors about the linespec and Im stuck.
Your Items list for uidropdown() include leading and trailing quotation marks, as-if you had set them by using app.ColorDropDow...

18 giorni fa | 0

Removing Background from image or a video
There is no possible technique for automatically subtracting background. Consider solar observation telescopes. Most of the t...

18 giorni fa | 0

How to devide a matrix (n x 1) into 2 matrixes equally ?
A1d = A1(1:ceil(end/2))

18 giorni fa | 1

| accettato

defining upper and lower limits of a matrix
The minimum and maximum value of a matrix are what they are. The best you can do is to create a new matrix with the desired char...

19 giorni fa | 0

Variables from CSV column read incorrectly
You are seeing an artifact of how the variable browser displays variables by default. To change this behaviour, use Preferenc...

19 giorni fa | 1

| accettato

Can two users have access and use matlab on one computer?
You could do that in multiple ways: you could use a single Concurrent license. The license manager would automatically block ou...

19 giorni fa | 0

What is the standard code for solving any cubic equation
syms a b c d x R = solve(a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d == 0, x, 'maxdegree', 3); matlabFunction(R, 'file', 'CubicSolver.m', 'vars', ...

19 giorni fa | 0

Removing comas from the text file
If you have a file of text that looks like 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8,9,10 then it is enough to load the file. data = load('data.txt');...

19 giorni fa | 0

select only rows and not columns
March_01_2021 = MarchVacc(1,2:51)

19 giorni fa | 0

Minimize the results in regression model
You can find near-exact solutions, if you are willing to do the grunt-work of substituting all of the various partial solutions....

20 giorni fa | 0

Problem with Code for my coursera course
The printout shows that the table has a variable name Region but no variable named Regions

21 giorni fa | 0

MATLAB doesn't recognize the function optimoptions
If really necessary you could use the older gaoptimset (which has not been recommended since R2018b)

21 giorni fa | 0

Change size of input arguments without recompiling mex with codegen
You need to declare the inputs with coder.varsize You might need to define a maximum array size.

21 giorni fa | 0

how use categorical in uitable
nrows = 5; VNAMES={'On','Trading','L_S','Stat','PROVA','Cap','Perc','Draw_Sys'}; cat=categorical({'Fil';'Stat'}); VTYPES=[{...

22 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

how can i open .out extension file in matlab?
".out" is not a standardized file extension. ".out" is used by many different programs, and contains anything from text printout...

22 giorni fa | 0

Problem solving system of nonlinear equations with fsolve trying to change inputs
x = fsolve(fun,x0,F,rho,options) This instructs fsolve to process fun as a function handle that expects a single input, ...

22 giorni fa | 0

How to import multiple .mat files into the same workspace
projectdir = '.'; %path to .mat files dinfo = dir( fullfile(projectdir, '*.mat') ); data = struct(); for K = 1 : length(dinf...

23 giorni fa | 1

Can't install MATLAB Conector (online MATLAB) although downloaded from mathworks site
The link to download the MacOS version of Connector is https://www.mathworks.com/MathWorksServiceHost/maci64/installer.dmg.zip ....

23 giorni fa | 0

I can't download Matlab R2022a release or earlier release
There are two possibilities: * you have a license controlled by an institution and that institution has disabled downloading ...

23 giorni fa | 0

why i can't get same plot when i change Real to Im?
You are plotting in Maple. MATLAB returns correct results. syms x t map(x,t) = 0.2e1 * (0.4e1 * exp((-8 * t + 2 * x)) + 0.9e1 ...

23 giorni fa | 1

How do you access Powershell in MATLAB interactively
Powershell implies that you are using Windows. In that case you can use System.Diagnostics.Process to configure input and output...

23 giorni fa | 0

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