Write a row and column vector as matrix index
Is meshgrid or ndgrid what you are trying to do? [X,Y] = meshgrid([4 5 3],[4 5 3]) [X,Y] = ndgrid([4 5 3],[4 5 3]) After call...

circa un anno fa | 1

imagesc or equivalent with datetime as x axis.
If you are using MATLAB R2023b or newer: Starting in MATLAB R2023b, you can now work with images on datetime rulers natively. ...

circa un anno fa | 1

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connect nodes (coordinates of a matrix rx3) with a line
You can specify the LineWidth when you call the plot command. data = readmatrix('data.txt'); x = data(:,1); y = data(:,2); s...

oltre un anno fa | 0

How do I save plots calculated by gamultiobj separately?
Unless the code that is doing the computation is explicitly leveraging some form of parallel processing, the code that exports f...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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sgtitle disappearing when getframe saves frame for animation
When I run a slightly modified version of your code, the resulting image includes the "main title". I tested in R2022b. Here is...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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How to create a callback function to start and stop recording EMG Button in real time for Delsys Trigno.
I didn't dig into your code specifically, but here is code for a simple app with a timer and a start/stop button that shows how ...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Adding transparency to one contour plot based on another contour plot
Good news! Starting in MATLAB R2022b, creating transparent contour plots is supported out-of-the-box in MATLAB. You can adjust ...

oltre un anno fa | 2

How to plot data from cells?
When you say "plot the data", can you provide a little more information about kind of picture you are trying to create? What dat...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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class1 as property of class2, class1 property initialization?
In your definition of mainClass you created a property with the name class1, not the type class1. This is what you want: class...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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How does one disable the menu that appears when one hovers on a plot?
You can set the Toolbar property on the axes when you create it. ax = axes; ax.Toolbar = []; If you want that to be the defau...

oltre un anno fa | 0

bubblelegend doesn't work (2021b)
bubblelegend was released in R2020b, so it should work in R2021b. My guess is you have something wrong with your MATLAB path. Tr...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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Running files in folders in loop.
You can use the dir command to get a list of the files/folders. d = dir('**'); Once you have the list, you can loop through th...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Area integration with the point where the mouse selected
You can use ginput to click and select points from a figure window. Once you've got the points, "integrating the area under the...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Setting the name of the Matlab Command Window
No, there is no way to modify the title of the MATLAB command window.

oltre un anno fa | 1

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Pushbutton callback not working
This looks like the same question/issue you were having in this other post. I've responded there.

oltre un anno fa | 0

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pushbutton callback doesn't work
I think at a high level the issue you are having is that you are missing a signal to your script that the user has pressed the O...

oltre un anno fa | 1

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How to plot spatial data
As the error says, lat and lon need to be the same size. Based on the shape of your variables, I suspect you need to use meshgr...

oltre un anno fa | 1

Function, dot, help me for solution
This line has the error: sm=@(W) v*N*L*R/(4*W.*(L/C)^2); Specifically: W is an anonymous function, so you can't do 4*W. That i...

oltre un anno fa | 1

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How can I the show the solution/results in table form?
There is still some polish you probably need to make, but here is one approach to displaying your results in a table: a = 0; b...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Is it possible to use gscatter within app designer?
What release of MATLAB are you using? Starting in R2019b, gscatter should work just find within App Designer, but you need to m...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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How to import multiple variable starting the same from excel?
It is hard to offer detailed advice without more information about the structure of the Excel file, and what you mean "this solu...

oltre un anno fa | 0

AppDesigner: Getting a UIAxes' enableDefaultInteractivity to work with a UIFigure's WindowButtonDownFcn?
There seems to be a subtle bug going on with your app. I can narrow down the issue to this code: % Code in your startupFcn f =...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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How can I plot this function such as all values of |f(1/z)| be more clear and how can I plot the cosine of the phase of this function ?
It looks like the nearly infinite value in your data is drowning out the remaining data. You can fix this by changing the z-limi...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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Error message I don't understand
I think that error message means that the first input to xline was an empty vector. Have you modified the example at all in a wa...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Why does copyobj() fail to copy over title fontsizes (and also colorbars and colormaps)?
Matt, The issue with copyobj and the FontSize on axes is a known bug. The issue relates to there being two sources of truth: th...

quasi 2 anni fa | 2

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Getting output from an app into the calling workspace
This question has been asked before, and there are a few different answers threads with ideas for how to do this. Here are two: ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Interactive plot - how to open plot by clicking a point in another plot?
If I understand your question correctly, you can use the ButtonDownFcn to do this. For more details: Callbacks — Programmed Re...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

When zooming in the axes of the app designer, my text will go out of the axes, how to aviod this?
There is a Clipping property on text objects that is off by default. If you set the Clipping property to 'on' you will get the b...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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Remove top and bottom ticks AND maintain ylabel and xlabel inside the figure
The issue you are having stems from the call to linkprop to keep the two axes positions synchronized, but in this case it is not...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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histogram2 images not properly saved in vector format
I was able to get a vector export using exportgraphics and forcing it to export in vector mode: histogram2(randn(1000,1), randn...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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