
There are 10 types of people in the world
Those who know binary, and those who don't. The number 2015 is a palindrome in binary (11111011111 to be exact) Given a year...

oltre 9 anni fa


Print the largest eigenvalue of A(500)
Write a function that prints the largest eigenvalue of A(500), without any extraneous output. For a positive integer n, let A...

oltre 9 anni fa


Is the test point on the line segment?
Given the [x,y,z] coordinates for the three points pa, pb, and pc, return true if the test point pc is on the line segment with ...

oltre 9 anni fa


Find the biggest digit in a matrix
Write a function to find the biggest digit in a matrix; input -> a matrix output -> a digit For example; [12; 47;...

oltre 9 anni fa


Community Problem 500!
In honor of this being the 500th Community problem, see if you can create a function that has a Cody size of 500. It can do any...

oltre 9 anni fa


Nth root.
* Assign outValues with the nth root of the inValues, the root is specified by rootValue

oltre 9 anni fa


Powers Of
Fill the vector with powers of 2, so that vector(1) is 2^1, vector(2) is 2^2, etc. Stop with vector(10). Complete the function ...

oltre 9 anni fa


Union of two set decreasing order
Union of two set decreasing order Say, x=[1 2 5] and y=[5 7 8] then answer must be [8 7 5 2 1]

oltre 9 anni fa


Constructing strings
* Construct a string alphaString from 'a' to endLetter, using the double colon operator.

oltre 9 anni fa


Concatenating strings
* Write a statement that assigns fullName with firstName, a space, then lastName. Ex: If firstName is Alan and lastName is Tu...

oltre 9 anni fa


Comparing floating point values
* Assign matchFound with true if firstSample and secondSample within thresholdValue.

oltre 9 anni fa


Relational operators and row arrays: Overweight baggage
* Assign overweightBaggage with true wherever baggageWeight is above maximumWeight

oltre 9 anni fa


Logical operators: Flipping bits
The xor operator will toggle the bit if the bit is xored with 1. Ex: 1 XOR 0 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0. The xor operator will retain th...

oltre 9 anni fa


Logical operators and arrays: 3-input and truth table
Given 3 inputs (inputA, inputB, inputC), assign threeInputAnd with the truth table outcomes for a 3 variable logical-and operati...

oltre 9 anni fa


Convert Kilometers to Miles
Convert kilometers to miles. Consider 1 km = 0.62 mile. Note: Don't use the '*' operator.

oltre 9 anni fa


Find out rank of Matrix
Find out rank of Matrix without use of matlab function.

oltre 9 anni fa


Sideways sum
Given natural number calculate its _population count_.

oltre 9 anni fa


Evil Number
Check if a given natural number is evil or not. Read more at <https://oeis.org/A001969 OEIS>.

oltre 9 anni fa


Element-wise division
* Assign row array weightKilo with the corresponding weight in kilograms. Use the following conversion: kg = lb / 2.2

oltre 9 anni fa


Logical variables: Running late?
* Assign onTime with true if noTraffic is true and gasEmpty is false.

oltre 9 anni fa


Multiple element-wise operations: Percent change
Row arrays sales2013 and sales2014 reflect the quarterly sales (in millions) of a popular potato chip company. Write a statement...

oltre 9 anni fa


Logic array: Identifying qualifying times
Create a logic array qualifyingIndex with true for any location where the runner is male with a running time less than 8.2. Row ...

oltre 9 anni fa


Extracting data: Heart rate (pulse)
The resting heart rate for an average adult is 60 - 100 beats per minute. Assign row array heartExtracted with all values in row...

oltre 9 anni fa


Function definition: BMI calculator
Define a function CalculateBMI with inputs massKg and heightCm. The function returns bodyMassIndex. The function should be able ...

oltre 9 anni fa


Find out DC Gain of transfer function
Find out DC Gain of transfer function Example, G(s)=5/ (s+2), then DC gain is 2.5 (put s=0)

oltre 9 anni fa


Integer indexing array: Weekend box office
The row array movieBoxOffice stores the amount of money a movie makes (in millions of $) for the 7 days of a week, starting with...

oltre 9 anni fa


Logical indexing: Player scores
Player 1 and player 2 take turns playing a game. Row array gameScores contains the scores of player 1, then player 2, then playe...

oltre 9 anni fa


Integer indexing array: Reverse subsets
Construct an indexing array copySubset so that the statement reversedOrder = origOrder(copySubset); results in a row array begin...

oltre 9 anni fa


Construct an array
* Construct an array named observedValues with elements sensorReading1, sensorReading2, and sensorReading3.

oltre 9 anni fa


Arithmetic array operations
* Add x to each element of array temperatureReadings.

oltre 9 anni fa

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