I need a code for hiding a text in an image using DCT technique
Dear Max, In MATLAB there are two ways to compute the DCT using Image Processing Toolbox™ software. From <http://www.mathwork...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

License plate identification
Dear Ben Ali, Have you looked at <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/index?utf8=%25E2%259C%2593&term=vehicle...

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

Creating Mel triangular filters function
Dear Manolis, In your code you have computed an array 'f', where the frequencies are defined. These frequencies are calculat...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

How can I read the Grove Temperature & Humidity sensor via Arduino Mega 2560?
Dear Wilko, Once you have accomplished to connect the Arduino to Simulink, the next step would be to first show the data you ...

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

how to find the bandwidth of a system?
Dear Sarah, To generate Pseudorandom Binary Sequence, please have a look at <http://www.mathworks.com/help/lte/ref/lteprbs.ht...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

MATLAB Toolbox Instrument : impossible to connect a device
Dear Sarah, The Mathworks function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/instrument/icdevice.html icdevice> is a function which come...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

| accettato

how to change a matrix variable for each iteration of a matrix loop?
Dear Sierra, Assuming that you use a ODE solver like ode 45, and you have a time dependent variable, please have a loop at <h...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

how to form the final image from red green and blue channels
Dear Abira, You can contract the channels by using the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/cat.html MATLAB function cat...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Fit a curve, find an equation and then take Fourier Transform of the curve?
Dear Khuram, What I think you need to do is not find the fourier transform of your function, but the fourier series of that f...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

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Specific integral of a vector
Dear Ser/Madame, To create more points in your function, you could use an interpolation function like <http://www.mathworks.c...

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

Extracting blue objects of interest
Dear Izuru, I made a code for you, where first the color 'blue' is detected at a certain threshold. (here 200) Then with a f...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

How to get data for a steady state.
Dear Masazumi, The simulation time 't' in Simulink ist time the programm has elapsed (inside the system) during the execusion...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

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I want to edit values of a cell in excel based on certain condition. Can any body pls help me..??
Dear Sapna, Please have a look at the Documentation of the MATLAB function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/xlsread....

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

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Distance measurement using image processing
Dear Kumar, Mathworks provides a toolbox (the <http://www.mathworks.com/products/computer-vision/ Computer Vision System Tool...

oltre 9 anni fa | 2

what is function can i use to change background from video? in matlab.
Dear Ser, Madame, Since a video are slices of images (=frames), you could try first extract all frames from the video. How th...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Intersection between spline and a line
Dear Brian, The abbreviation pp means that the polynomial that is defined, is a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mkp...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Modeling step response on unknown model
Dear Andreas, To tune the parameters in a PID controller, both MATLAB and Simulink could be used. * OPTION 1: The <http:/...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

explanation on a bwtraceboundary code
Dear Rafaela, In your code an image is imported, with the size (s1) by (s2) pixels. The first value corresponds to the amount...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Euler Angle from Body Frame to Inertial Frame?
Dear Yu Hin Hau, If the transformation matrix from the inertial frame to the body frame is known, and you would like to know ...

oltre 9 anni fa | 2

Can we use MFCC to convert the speech signal to text?
Dear Ser/Madame, A basic approach would be to plot the frequecy spectrum with the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/f...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Hey, How to remove green color from an image?
Dear Pramod, You can have a look at the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/49898-image-color-filtering Imag...

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

NIT SIT block missing in matlab
Dear Maham, After installing MATLAB/Simulink there is no 'NIT SIT' block. However you can download this block from <http://w...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

could you please help me answering this question
Dear Ali, You can solve the problem with one matlab solver called <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/fzero.html fzero...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

How can I set a condition that Vw = 0 when t = 0 in this code
Dear Clement, In your function Vb = vib + Vw*exp(t/Ta), for t=0, Vb = vib + 0.1=10.1; There are many solutions if you like t...

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

unable to open matlab editor
Dear Midas, What you can try, is run Matlab as administrator. (right click on Matlab icon, run as administrator) Kind rega...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

How to find the inner contour of myocardium by using region growing
Dear Neil, The MATLAB function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imfindcircles.html imfindcircles> can find circles f...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

plotting with a custom colororder
Dear Tucker, A solution for this problem is if you replace the line colorhsv2=interp1(linspace(-pi,pi,360)',hsv(360),ang...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

What is the difference between LAR, and the Bisquare Remain Robust in regression (Curve Fitting Tool)?
Dear Nuno, Least absolute residuals (LAR) — The LAR method finds a curve that minimizes the absolute difference of the residu...

oltre 9 anni fa | 26

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Convert bitdepth of png image
Dear Sara, You can use the function imfinfo to get i.e. the bit depth of the image. With the function rgb2gray you can convert ...

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

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How do you add maximum points for both variables on the same plot as the function line?
Dear Jess, For your first figure, you forgot the command "hold on". Also if you want to add two markers, you do not only ne...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

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