How can I isolate the highest peaks of sound signals in a batch of signals and trim each signal with specific time windows before and after the peak?
You can have all your signals in a folder and use the "dir" function to get a list of all your sound signal files. For example: ...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How do I create an App Designer App that lists the contents of a user-chosen directory?
Refer to the attached example App Designer file named 'ExampleDirectoryApp.mlapp'.  In the attached example App, there is a 'bro...

23 giorni fa | 2

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Can I show text output in the Instrument Panel for Simulink Real-Time Explorer?
At this time, we currently do not support text display in the Instrumentation Panel of the Simulink Real-Time Explorer. As a wo...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Why are DATETIME operations so slow?
In general, if you are performing many arithmetic operations one-by-one, you might want to see if there is any way you can vecto...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How to replace the NaN with 0 in a cell array that has the following anatomy 10x1 cell Each cell is of size 10173 x 2, (dates and values)
Please refer to the below example which shows replacing 'nan' with '0' in a cell array: Here, 'a' is a 2x2 cell array: a = { [5...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How does the 'cubic' method for griddedInterpolant work?
The ‘cubic’ method in 'griddedInterpolant' is the same as ‘v5cubic’ in 'interp1': https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/doub...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I perform curve / surface fitting for data of more than three dimensions?
There are three options for performing curve-fitting tasks on data of more than three dimensions: You can use MATLAB's backslash...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I compare numbers for equality within a tolerance?
If you are using MATLAB R2024b In MATLAB R2024b, MathWorks introduced a new function "isapprox" which can determine approximate...

23 giorni fa | 6

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How do I use Classification Learner with datetime value predictors?
The Classification Learner App does not currently support datetime values. Our developers have been made aware of this issue and...

23 giorni fa | 1

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How do I round a 'datetime' to the nearest second?
You can use the function “round” to change the actual value of the 'datetime' to round to the nearest second. An example of how ...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I tune parameters inside a model reference using Speedgoat & Simulink Real-Time (SLRT)?
In R2020b and later, only model-level parameters are supported for tuning with Speedgoat & Simulink Real-Time (SLRT). This m...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I run my Simscape model on real-time hardware such as Speedgoat and Simulink Real-Time (SLRT)?
We have this documentation page with some best practices for preparing Simscape models for use with real-time hardware:Real-Time...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I change the IP address of my Speedgoat computer using the target command line?
The recommended way to change the IP address of your Speedgoat computer's host-target link interface is by using the "Change IP ...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I resolve a segmentation fault caused by a MATLB Engine API tbb.dll version mismatch?
The "tbb.dll" library is a threading library developed by Intel and shipped with MATLAB. A mismatch between the version of the "...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How do I control number formatting for 'mlreportgen.ppt.Table' object?
For ‘mlreportgen.ppt.Table’ objects, one possible way to set number format is to use 'compose' function to format data into mult...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I import "Pulse-based" or "Frame-based" data into Simulink models?
To load data that was logged in array format using the "To File" block, transpose the array so that the time values are in a sin...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Why is there a difference between the elements of arrays created by the colon operator with the same step size?
The difference would indicate a change in the least significant bit (LSB). This is a floating point accuracy issue and floating ...

23 giorni fa | 0

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How can I use MATLAB functions to generate a Simscape Model?
I have created an example script to generate a simple Simscape Electrical circuit programmatically. The script can be found belo...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Why does it take so long to stop a real-time application running on Speedgoat if my model contains many tunable parameters?
What This Issue Means When the application stops, an automatic parameter set file named "autoSaveOnStop" will be saved on the ta...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Why are there floating point differences between sum and cumsum functions?
This is the result of an update made to the "sum" function through MATLAB R2020b, which was introduced to improve the performanc...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Parsing S-Parameter files (and other files) based on key words and port names
The below code contains an example of how ‘contains’ can be used to check if a string contains a keyword. Subsequently, regular ...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Why do I get a "Previously accessible file is now inaccessible" error message when running a deployed standalone application created with MATLAB Compiler?
When running a standalone application which was compiled with the MATLAB Compiler, all lines of the compiled script are executed...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Why does the "simple" function in the Symbolic Math Toolbox cause MATLAB to hang when trying to simplify my expression?
The use of 'simple' function is no longer supported. Instead, you should use the "simplify" function, which works much faster on...

23 giorni fa | 3

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How can I compute the standard deviation of a Gaussian fit generated with the Curve Fitting App?
The pre-defined Gaussian fitting function in the Curve Fitting App is defined slightly differently than the probability distribu...

23 giorni fa | 0

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What are the available interfaces and APIs to interact with Speedgoat & Simulink Real-Time as a Standalone Operator in R2020b onwards?
The following workflows do not require any MATLAB installation or license on the host computer to interact with Speedgoat:  1. S...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Can I compare two numbers using Unit in the Last Place (ulps) in MATLAB?
There is no consensus on the definition of Unit in the Last Place. It is sometimes defined as the magnitude of the most signific...

23 giorni fa | 1

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Symbolic Math Toolbox で定義された2つの数式が等しいか、iequal で確認すると、正しく評価できない場合があるのはなぜですか?
数学的な等価性を確認したい場合は、isAlways 関数を使用してください。   >> isAlways(x*y+x==x*(y+1)) ans = logical 1 一般に、シンボリック式において等価性(equality)の2つの概念...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Why does checking for equality sometimes fail when using the Symbolic Toolbox?
In general, symbolic expressions can have two notions of equality. 1) Mathematical Equality: Two expressions are mathematicall...

23 giorni fa | 1

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Why do I get a "Check if hostname can be resolved" or "Not enough input arguments" error when connecting to an OPC UA server from MATLAB?
When establishing a connection to an OPC UA server, MATLAB shows the following error in R2022b and earlier: uaclient = opcua('1...

23 giorni fa | 1 risposta | 0



Why do I receive the error "The procedure entry point GetCurrentThreadStackLimits could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." when attempting to run the MathWorks Product Installer?
This means you are attempting to run the MathWorks Product Installer on a version of Windows that it is unqualified for (ex: R20...

23 giorni fa | 0

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