How can I generate probabilities from a logistic regression?
If you have the Statistics Toolbox, you can fit a logistic regression with |mnrfit| function and then estimate probabilities usi...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

how to simulate a markov chain?
From what I gather from you description, this question has already been answered: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/ans...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

How to Mask the Area other than sky?
One potential method for masking the building in your image is to detect the building edges via the |edge| function. Once you ha...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

Is there a matlab function that calculates joint probability for more than 2 random variables ("histc" for more than 3 rvs)?
If you are dealing with discrete random variables, you really only need to use the |accumarray| function. Here is an example...

circa 11 anni fa | 1

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Plotting time-course of matrix entries
Extra credit time! Depending on how you want to ultimately display your results, you have quite a few options. For a quick and d...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

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Normalized distribution for histogram
If you have the Statistics Toolbox, you might find the |dfittool| distribution fitting tool quite useful. doc dfittool I...

circa 11 anni fa | 1

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How can i get the surface plot of 3 variables
You could use the |plot3| command to visualize the data that you have as a single line in 3d space. To use the |surf| or |mes...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

How to plot the frequency spectrum in simulink
By default, the "Power Spectral Density" (PSD) block is set to have a sample time of Ts = 0.1 seconds. You should open the PSD b...

circa 11 anni fa | 1

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Test trained NARX neural network with new external input
Here is an example from the Neural Network toolbox documentation that you might find helpful: * <http://www.mathworks.com/hel...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

Undefined function or method 'markers2' for input arguments of type 'double'
You're calling a function, |markers2|. Since this is not a standard MATLAB function, you should have a file in your directory na...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

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read .img format image without header file
You could directly read the *.img file directly into the MATLAB workspace via the |fopen| and |fread| commands. Since you do not...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

How to choose initial component parameters with gmdistribution.fit ?
Once you have clustered your data via the k-means algorithm, you can definitely use the cluster centers as initial conditions fo...

circa 11 anni fa | 2

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what is the default amplitude value of the input signal when matlab gives the frequency response with fuction bode ?
Good question! The magnitude Bode plot depicts only the *relative gain* between two signals. Likewise, the phase plot gives you ...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

Handwritten digit recognition using Neural networks; How to configure for 2-D input?
Specifying an image as a column vector does not eliminate the adjacency information. As the column of pixels repeats at a regula...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

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How to use the trained network to predict future values?
Once you have trained a network, you can use your net as a function. In your case, the outputs of the neural network could be fo...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

Show value on the root locus plot without using the Data Cursor
The |rlocus| function can output the complex root locations and the corresponding gains. You can manually plot these values to r...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

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PNG and BMP images with imag(image) = 0. Why and how do I get something that makes sense/a nonzero answer?
You are using the |imag| function that returns the imaginary part of the function input. The function input in your case will ha...

circa 11 anni fa | 1

Show Step Response Information on Step Response Plot
You're on the right track trying to use |stepinfo|. The |stepinfo| function returns a structure containing all the common step r...

circa 11 anni fa | 4

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How to not draw some points of an interval( hmax and hmin )
You can use logical indexing to remove any values greater than and less than the desired bounds. % Defining some arbitrary ...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

how to drive out an equation from the trained neural network to use as an objective function for genetic algorithm?
You have a couple of options to acquire the underlying structure for further use, once you have trained your neural network: ...

circa 11 anni fa | 1

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Plot two graphs each from different models in one scope
You can use the "mux" function block to combine the two signals of interest. The output of the mux block can be fed directly int...

circa 11 anni fa | 1

Help using poly fit to determine equation constants of power function and plotting the linear form
You just need to transform the linear fit coefficients (the outputs from |polyfit|) from a logarithm scale back to the linear sc...

circa 11 anni fa | 2

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Properly normalize a pdf histogram
Your code looks good, and you've definitely normalized the histogram correctly. However, you've got one thing that needs fixing....

circa 11 anni fa | 1

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