
Sum the prime numbers from 1-100
Write a function to sum up the prime numbers from 1-100.

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Return part of an array
Given a 5x5 array, return a 3x3 array that contains the cells that are not on the edge of the array: Given this array Return...

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Summing the last column column
Given a matrix, return the sum of the last column of the array.

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A row vector, pick 1st number, skip 1,pick 3rd number, skip 2,pick,skip,etc then place all picked numbers in order in new vector
Having a row vector of number, pick the first number, place in new output vector as the first value, then skip one number, pick...

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Find the smallest number leading to a maximal product of two numbers that concatenate to another number
Cody Problem 58971 involves the maximal product of numbers that concatenate to a number . For example, if , then the products ar...

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Compute the maximal product of any two numbers whose concatenation is n
Write a function that takes an input and computes the maximal product of numbers that concatenate to . For example, if , then t...

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Find out the smallest number 9 times greater
What is the smallest natural number where the result of moving the digit on the far right to the front of the number is a number...

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Find the Peak Particle Velocity on a ETL structure
PPV is a vibration parameter that can connect stress to a structure, it is measured in mm/s or mm/s-1. The higher the PPV the mo...

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Bullseye Matrix with Zeros
Inspired by Problem 18, create a bullseye matrix with the addition of padding equal to 0 between concentric rings. Matrices are ...

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Make a "better" checkerboard matrix
This problem seeks to expand the task in Cody Problem 4 by allowing for the creation of checkerboard matrices that can be rectan...

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Array size along k-th dimension
Given an n-dimensional array M, find the size of M along the k-th dimension (1 <= k <= n), without using size(), height() or wid...

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Array Height (no usage of size)
Find the array height, the number of rows. Size may not be used.

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Array Width (no usage of size)
Find the array width. Size may not be used.

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Hemisphere Volume on Top of a Cylinder
This MATLAB function has to calculate the volume of a hemisphere placed on top of a cylinder, given valid inputs. It takes the r...

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Fibonacci Sequence
Write a MATLAB function called fibonacci_sequence(n) that takes an integer n as input and returns the first n terms of the Fibon...

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Determine if input is greater than 100
Evaluate if given number is greater than 100. If greater, return true; else, return false.

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Find the surface area of a cone.
For instance, Given r (radius) = 3, and s (slant height) = 5: surface area should be 94.

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A times B
A times B

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Is it the answer to life the universe and everything?
The answer to life the universe and everything is 42, but this is naturally in base 13. Unfortunately, MATLAB is in base 10, so ...

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Add Odd and Subtract Even Numbers in an Array
For an input array, add all the odd values and subtract the even values. The final value is the output. E.g. input = [1 2 3 4 ...

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Build the Well
Calculate the total time taken for building 'n' wells given : Worker A takes a hr to build the well alone Worker B takes b hr...

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Magnitude with vargin
Return the magnitude (square root of the sum of the squares) for an undefined number of input arguments.

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Determine if input is greater than pi
Evaluate if given number is greater than pi. If greater, return true; else, return false.

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Matrix symmetry
Given a matrix A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] Flip it horizontally and vertically to obtain a complete reversal of both rows and columns. ...

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Bag of apples
find probabilty of getting red apples from a bag of 'r' red and 'g' green apples.

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convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time
convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time Input: '13:12' Output: '01:12 PM' Input: '06:12' Output: '06:12 AM'

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Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector
Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector starting from index 1

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Find cross product of 2 vectors
Find cross product of 2 vectors

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Find duplicate number from a vector of size n + 1 containing numbers from 1:n
From a given vector of size n + 1, return the duplicate number. Constraints The vector can only contain numbers from 1 to ...

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Even Sum
Calculate the sum of all even numbers between 1 and a given positive integer n. Write a function that takes n as input and retur...

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