convert real numbers to img form
a = 8 b = a*1i % method 1 c = complex(0, a) % method 2

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

Restricting time on graph with given time
a = datetime(2021, 1, 1:365); b = rand(size(a)); plot(a, b) idx = find(month(a)==1); xlim([a(idx(1)), a(idx(end))])

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

How to add a cylinder to a scattered plot
% A = load ('Data.txt'); A = 0.05*rand(8, 4) x = A (:,1 ) ; y = A (:,2 ) ; z = A (:,3 ) ; Amplitude = A (:,4) ; scatter3 ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Calculating mean square difference (MSD) of two matrices
Im = [0 252 204; 221 135 58; 156 122 127] Im2 = [169 250 237; 186 196 148; 227 148 4] F2 = sum(sum(mean(Im...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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how to save variable as txt in a specified location with variable value appearing in the file name
a=1; % amplitude du faisceau gaussien x=linspace(-50,50,100); dx=50/2.355; % widthn f=a*exp(-0.5*(x./dx).^2); [pks, locs, wi...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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Quiver plot when axes scale are too different result in very ugly plots
load("quiverPlotVariables.mat") whos % You need to scale the vdot and/or psidot so that they are representing % the true orie...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

How can delete the variable part?
s = load("T9S11.mat"); x = s.T9S11 x(2:2:end,:)=[]

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

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repmat usage for cellarray
data_string = reshape(char(32:127), 3, []) % some characters32 x 3 char aray cell_array=repmat({data_string},1,3) cell_array{...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Append vector into zero matrix
v = zeros(5, 3); x = randn(3,1); n = numel(x); for i=1:size(v, 2) v(i-1+(1:n), i) = x; end v

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

| accettato

benefits of using "Structs" over "Cells" in MATLAB/Octave?
See the documentation: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/cell-vs-struct-arrays.html Struct use field name to ac...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Marker edges, line width and legend
xx=linspace(0,12); figure(1) plot(xx,sin(xx),'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2,... 'Color','red', 'HandleVisibility','off');...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Modify a text file
% Assume that your text file is data.txt s = fileread("data.txt"); s = strrep(s, '4.500000e-001', '0.8000'); fid = fopen('d...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

nanstd use in matlab
You are using default normalization "[]", which normalised the std by (N-1). If you want to get 0.0129, you need to change [] i...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

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What's wrong in the code? I cant generate the same graph as the question required.
x = -5:0.1:5; y = sin(x.^2).*exp(cos(x)); plot(x,y)

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

| accettato

I have problem with while loop.
Make the following change: %while (szb(1,1)~=szA(1,1) && szb(1,2)~=1) while (szb(1,1)~=szA(1,1) || szb(1,2)~=1)

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

| accettato

Solution found by matlab is too big to use
There are two solution of the equation. You need to select one. The modified code choose the 1st solution. You can always to ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

How to create one common colorbar and colorscale for subplots
You need to add in the following inside the loop for each subplot: caxis([0 60]); % adjust the number 60 or find the value fr...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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Trying to do product of eigenvalues collected from a matrix
First the difference "e" (as below) will not be perfectly 0 and it is subjected to computational accuracy. Second, the eigen va...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Why does my function return a single value instead of an array? I need it to return an array so I can plot it.
Use ./ instead of / for array operation. [Note that there is division by 0 in your equation] Dn2 = @(n) (1-exp(-1j*pi*n/2))./(...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Using textscan() to get data from a TXT file, but all cells are NaN
Your format specifier is not correct. s=["1,2,3,4" "2,4,5,7"] V = textscan(s(1),'%f %f %f %f','Delimiter',',') V = tex...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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Reshape a row vector and convert it to a cell array
x = [1:10, 101:110, 11:20, 111:120]; x = reshape(x, [20, 2])'; C = mat2cell(x, [1 1], [10 10])'

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

How to fix this error in interp1?
R = 1e3; % resistor value [Ohms] C = 1e-6; % Capacitor value [Farads] H = tf([R*C,0], [R*C,1]); % plot a bode plot (3dB frequ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

Precision number throughout scripts and functions.
You can use "format" command to specify a format such as short, long, shortE, shortG. "doc format" for more information. If yo...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Rotating 3D data
clc; clear all; close all; x = linspace(-10,10,49); y = linspace(-10,10,44); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,-y); Z = zeros(44,49); Z = ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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sum of series with vectors
Rhoo = 300e-5; Caplambda = 1e-4; Beta = [24 123 117 262 108 45]; lambda = [0.0127 0.031 0.116 0.3106 1.4006 3.876]; t = [0:1...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Derive base 10 logarithm from base 2 log output
The formula is: For any given base b, you need to compute a constant .

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

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Can I use a variable name to make logical comparison?
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "Decembe...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

how to calculate row values based on the previous row value of a column?
a= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; b = 100; % initial value for i=1:numel(a) b= (a(i)*b)+b; fprintf("i=%2d b=%d\n", ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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Finding largest data from table
X1=[9 6 9 0;3 2 7 0]; X2=[0 2;4 0]; X3=[3 1 2; 8 9 7]; X4 = X1; X=table(X1,X2,X3,X4) len = table2array(varfun(@(x) size(x...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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Plotting an array on both x and y axis and different formulas, check description
i = 0:0.1:7; j = 7:0.1:10; yi = 2*i; yj = 3*j; plot(i, yi); hold on plot(j, yj)

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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