I would like to create an array to store a password, website combo.
Use string array instead of cell array for efficiency. You can also considre to use table. pa = ["abc", "def"] pa = addPasswo...

9 mesi fa | 0

call function with multiparameter:what is the best solution?
You could also use arguments block. doc arguments for more details. a)CaricoSistemi2Last_Struct(Settings) b)CaricoSistemi2Las...

9 mesi fa | 0

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Error using plot: Not Enough Input Arguments
Your data is not in right format. Here is one way to convert the string to number. % Experiment 4 % Computations and Generate...

9 mesi fa | 1

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How do I write several variables to a table with row labels?
% Your data MeanAmplitude = rand(); AmpError = rand(); MeanFrequency = rand(); FrequencyError = rand(); % Name can be an...

9 mesi fa | 1

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How to rotate a map?
It is upside down. Add the following: axis xy

9 mesi fa | 0

What is different between FFT and SHIFTFFT
First, it is not correct to say which is better unless you define what is "better". fft(x) has better resolution but higher si...

9 mesi fa | 0

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How to close only anova figures
How about collecting the desired figure handles in an array when creating the figures, such as h(i) = figure(...); At the en...

9 mesi fa | 0

I want to view a formula as a mathematical expression and not a single line
For displaying the formatted formula, you can use "livescrip". Simply save your file as ".mlx" file and run it. syms a b c sy...

9 mesi fa | 1

How to add a single line to my plot??
Your specification is not clear and this is a guess. x = 2*rand(10, 1); y = 2*rand(10, 1); scatter(x, y) hold on dx = 0.1; ...

9 mesi fa | 1

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How to add legend in CIE diagram
plotChromaticity hold on x = rand(1,4); y=rand(1,4); name =["red", "blue", "green", "yellow"] for i=1:length(x) hs(i) ...

9 mesi fa | 1

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Scatter not showing full precision of data.
websave("data.mat", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1514124/data.mat") load("data.mat") figure...

9 mesi fa | 0

Loop over combinations of elements of several vectors
You can use combinations. % arbitrary number of vectors with arbitrary size v{1}=rand(3,1); v{2}=rand(2,1); v{3}=rand(2,1); ...

9 mesi fa | 0

Use sky colormap in old Matlab version
Copy the following data: c = sky(256); for i=1:height(c) fprintf("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n", c(i, :)) end

9 mesi fa | 1

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code correction : subplot in for + length problem
figure for N = [10,40,100] subplot(2,1,1); hold on [axe,formula] = passe_bas(N); % brackets above st...

9 mesi fa | 0

Export of table results in PDF
You can use livescript. Then you can hide the code and export to pdf. For example t=array2table(rand(3,2)); disp(t) Or you c...

9 mesi fa | 0

Unwanted contour lines generated by contour()
Yo5ur function curve has very abrupt change near the ege (see one vertical slice of data). Therefore you will see many contour ...

9 mesi fa | 0

Greetings! I'm looking for assistance in understanding what's causing the problem in my code.
y = determineMode(4, 5, 6, 1, 2) function y = determineMode(teg, pv, pzt, ~, D, ~, ~, ~, ~) % Inputs: % teg: Voltage ...

10 mesi fa | 0

Not enough inputs with input parser
F = @(x) x.^2.*sin(x)-0.2.*x.^3+3.*x.^2+x-4-0.005.*x.^4; nx = newtonsMethod(F,6.5) function x = newtonsMethod(func,guess,tol,d...

10 mesi fa | 0

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How can I add recession bars to a time series plot?
data = readtable('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1488862/example_data.xlsx'); y = data.var3; x=...

10 mesi fa | 1

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Quiver. Make wind scale of 1m/s inside plot
[x, y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2); z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2); [dx, dy] = gradient(z, 0.2); sc = 'off'; % scale quiver(x,y,dx,dy...

10 mesi fa | 0

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How to plot a bar graph for individual values?
x = 1:2; y = 0:0.1:0.5; z = [0.725, 0.654, 0.543, 0.812, 0.698, 0.456; 0.628, 0.652, 0.783, 0.682, 0.758, 0.765]; b = b...

10 mesi fa | 0

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How to make Matlab give different answers for different text inputs of different lengths
A = input('Ask me anything: ','s'); if strcmpi(A, 'Yes') % compare string (case insensitive) disp('Yes') else disp...

12 mesi fa | 0

How to Pre-allocate a 4D photo array
%Photos = zeros(1920, 1080, 3, 1800, 'uint8'); Photos = zeros(100, 50, 3, 10, 'uint8'); whos

12 mesi fa | 0

How to check the freqeuncy response of a boxcar filter?
clear all; clc; fs =2000; fc =20/(fs/2); N = 1/fc; h = boxcar(N); % 1/N = fc h = h/sum(h); bcoeff = h; acoeff = 1; ...

12 mesi fa | 0

Possibilities of using for end loop in code
In MATLAB, you can do it without loop (preferred approach): theta = [0 10 20 30 50]'; r = [9 8 7 6 3]'; y = [...

12 mesi fa | 0

Running MATLAB on virtual machine for more memory?
I am running some very time-consuming MATLAB scripts on my laptop and it keeps on running out of memory. ==> You may want to c...

circa un anno fa | 0

How to extract coefficients of custom variables in symbolic expression in MATLAB?
Let iB=1, jB=0 and kB=0. Then compute omegaB.

circa un anno fa | 0

find numbers in a string
s = 'E_Field (Farfield) (Cartesian) (-0 -173.648 983.808)(Abs) (cosim Tran1).txt'; s1 = 'E_Field (Farfield) (Cartesian) (-0 -1...

circa un anno fa | 0

How to segment a curve into linear and nonlinear pieces
load(websave("DatasetXY.mat", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1437433/DatasetXY.mat")); whos [...

circa un anno fa | 0

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Summing up subsequent rows if equal
A = [ 2 3 5 3 4 5 2 3 5 3 4 5 5 6 6 2 3 5 5 6 6 3 4 5 ]; ...

circa un anno fa | 0

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