Partitioning data out of .txt files
websave("scan.txt", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1150740/archer_fieldnotes_scan.txt") %type ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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How to make a matrix from several column vector
a = rand(1,1); b = rand(10,1); c = rand(100,1); % you are not able to combine them into a matrix as you sepcified since the...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to obtain mean of columns in multiple cells?
% Generate data for i=1:5 a{i} = randn(3439, 72); end % find means s = zeros(size(a{1})); for i=1:5 s = s + a{i...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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How to interpolate gridded data for contourf?
doc fillmissing

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Implementation of fractional delay filter from scratch in matlab
If you are looking for source code of fractional delay, check out this and its accompanying codes: T. I. Laakso, V. Valimaki, M...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Solve matrix equations using loop
The equations you have: You want to solve it for , and . You need to rearrage the equations: Now you solve this new syst...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to find FWHM from this?
Your data has no half power points so you cannot find fwhm. load(websave("fwhmdata.mat", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentr...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to accurately compute the phase lag between two time series with same sampling frequency.
s=load(websave("Data_timeseries.csv", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1148175/Data_timeseries.cs...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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Graphing a two variable limit
x= -0.5:.01:0.5; y = 0.5:.01:1.5; [xx, yy] = meshgrid(x, y); zz = acos(xx./yy)./(1+xx.*yy); %zz = nan(size(xx)); % idx = ab...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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How to fix error "Array indices must be positive integers or logical values."
function xc = mybisect(f, a, b, tol) format longg; a_vals = zeros(a, length(tol)); b_vals = zeros(b, length(tol)); c_vals = ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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strings in conditional statments
l = input('Do you want to plot: ', "s"); % s for string if l == "yes" % string comparison instead of cha...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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Is my matlab code for the sinc signal below correct.
%************ Variable declaration****************** t = -20:0.1:20; p = -10:1:10; signal = zeros(1,length(t)); %for spped al...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to plot the convolution integral of two functions
Use symbolic math: syms x y h tau %x = 0:0.5:10; y = exp(-x); % use -1 and -2 to ensure convolution exist h = exp(-2...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

Error: Edge vector must be monotonically non-decreasin with isosurface
Nx = 32; Ny = 32; Nz = 32; Lx = 2*pi; Ly = 2*pi; Lz = 2*pi; x = (0:Nx-1)/Nx*2*pi; % x coordinate in Four...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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How to plot envelope of a signal
load t.mat load signal.mat whos plot(t, signal); hold on [yupper,ylower] = envelope(signal,1000, 'peak'); plot(t, yupper, ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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Cross Correlation lag issue
P2 = randn(10, 1); P3 = [zeros(5, 1); P2]; % P3 is P2 delayed by 5 [xc2,lags2] = xcorr(P2,P3); plot(lags2, xc2) [rho2,imax...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Adding XYZ axis in RGB colors in the corner of a plot
plot(rand(10,1)) annotation('arrow', [0.8, 0.7], [0.8, 0.75], 'Color', 'r') annotation('textbox', [0.68, 0.70 0.05 0.05], 'Str...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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How to label a structure name in a loop
low.t1 = 2; low.t2 = 3; for i=1:2 data = low.("t"+i) end

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Reorder vector without for loop
A = randn(583200, 10); B =reshape(A, 540, [], 10); B = permute(B, [2 1 3]); B = reshape(B, 583200, 10); whos % To verif...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

using subplot in bar , how to adjust bar width
x1 = [1 2 3]; y1 = [1 2 3 ]; x2 = [1 2 3 4 5]; y2 = [1 2 3 4 5]; % Make xlim same so that the bar width is the same h1= s...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Rotate Basis Vectors Programmatically
V1 = orth(randn(6)) % your original orthonormal basis % Then you can apply any other orthonormal basis to it % For e...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

Sorting Values my Integer and Decimal Values
p = [8.1 8.2]; if floor(p(1)) == floor(p(2)) disp("A pair.") end f = [2.1 , 3.1 , 4.1, 5.1, 6.1]; if all(abs(diff(mo...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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Correlate Signals with different time points
You can resample the data into sime sampling time: doc resample doc retime doc interp1 After both signals are sampled in the...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to remove the AWGN noise from data?
Uo=[20 30 40 50]; % signal U=awgn(Uo,30) % add noise to signal % Uo=U-awgn(30); % if you don't know t...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to trasform from cell to matrix and transpose from horizontal to vertical at the same time?
Data.my_cell{1} = randn(1, 11); Data.my_cell{2} = randn(1, 11); Data.my_cell{3} = randn(1, 11); Data.my_cell my_matrix = cel...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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How do I zoom in on a certain section of a magnitude bode plot
num = [1]; den = [1 0.04946 3.00316 0.0989847 3.00322 0.0494631 1.00006]; g=tf(num, den) bode(g) grid on ax = findobj(gcf, ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Obtaining Sine Wave From Square Wave
% generate a square wave with no fixed period f = 0.125; fs=1; s = 0.3+sin(2*pi*f*(0:40)); % a sine wave with offset x =2* (...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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why do I get this error while using qammod? "Expected input number 1, X, to be an array with all of the values < 4."
A few bugs in program. The major one is generating input signa which should bel: tx_bits=randi([0 M-1], [N_data_symbol,1]); N...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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Using trapz function to provide answers using loop
% The way to use trapz x= 1:20; % x y = randn(20, 1); % y ytrapz = trapz(x, y) % integr...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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Storing sparse matrices in cell or struct without converting them to full
The sparse array in cell is still sparse array as shown below, Can you show the problem you have encountered? a = sparse(eye(1...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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