
Create a matrix with difference of each row of input matrix
With a given input matrix A, create a output matrix B in such a way that each row in B is a difference of rows of input matrix A...

quasi 11 anni fa


07 - Common functions and indexing 6
Create a variable _m_ as a magic square with the size 6 x 6 Magic squares are defined as square matrices, where the sum of a...

quasi 11 anni fa


07 - Common functions and indexing 5
Create the vector _lin_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_7e.png>> (the integers from 1 to 20) Make every other val...

quasi 11 anni fa


07 - Common functions and indexing 4
Define the matrix _cMat_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3c.png>> ( _cMat_ = 10x10 matrix where the numbers from 1 t...

quasi 11 anni fa


07 - Common functions and indexing 3
Define _eMat_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3e.png>> Create the variable _eMat2_, which is equal to _eMat_ with th...

quasi 11 anni fa


07 - Common functions and indexing 2
Define _eMat_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3e.png>> Calculate eMean as the mean across the rows of _eMat_. The an...

quasi 11 anni fa


07 - Common functions and indexing 1
Define _cMat_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3c.png>> ( _cMat_ = 10x10 matrix where the numbers from 1 to 100 runs ...

quasi 11 anni fa


06 - Matrix Equations 3
Define the matrices _aMat_, _bMat_, and _cMat_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3a.png>> ( _aMat_ = 9x9 matrix full o...

quasi 11 anni fa


06 - Matrix Equations 2
Define the vectors _aVec_ and _bVec_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_2a.png>> and <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assig...

quasi 11 anni fa


06 - Matrix Equations 1
Define the vectors _aVec_ and _bVec_ and the matrix _aMat_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_2a.png>> and <<http:/...

quasi 11 anni fa


Define function plu(n) that returns '' (an empty string) if n=1, or 's' otherwise. This is handy for displaying messages from a...

quasi 11 anni fa


Find the index of the largest value in any vector X=[4,3,4,5,9,12,0,4.....5]
The given function returns the index of the maximum value in a given matrix. such as X=[4,3,4,5,9,12,0,5] Ans= 6 if maxim...

quasi 11 anni fa


Min of a Matrix
Return the minimum value in the given matrix.

quasi 11 anni fa


Matrix to column conversion
Given a matrix of any size, convert it into a column vector. e.g A=[10 20 30; 40 50 60] then, B = [10; 40; ...

quasi 11 anni fa


Find and replaces spaces from a input string with *
For a given input string str, find how many spaces are there in the string and replace those spaces with * e.g. str = 'this is ...

quasi 11 anni fa


Matrix rotation as per given angle
Given a user defined matrix and angle of rotation, rotate the elements of output matrix as clockwise or anti-clockwise. Angle wi...

quasi 11 anni fa


05 - Vector Equations 3
Define the vector _dVec_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_2d.png>> (Logarithmically spaced numbers between 1 and 10) ...

quasi 11 anni fa


05 - Vector Equations 2
Define the vectors _aVec_ and _bVec_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_2a.png>> and <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assig...

quasi 11 anni fa


05 - Vector Equations 1
Define the vector _cVec_: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_2c.png>> (all the numbers from 5 to -5 in increments of -0....

quasi 11 anni fa


04 - Scalar Equations 3
Define the variables a, b, and c: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_4-a.png>> <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_4-b....

quasi 11 anni fa


04 - Scalar Equations 2
Define the variables a and b: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_4-a.png>> <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_4-b.png>...

quasi 11 anni fa


04 - Scalar Equations 1
Define the variable a: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_4-a.png>> Use this to calculate x: <<http://samle.dk/STTBD...

quasi 11 anni fa


03 - Matrix Variables 6
Make _fMat_ be a 5x3 matrix of random integers with values from -3 to 3 (Hint: use *randi*)

quasi 11 anni fa


03 - Matrix Variables 5
Make the following variable: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3e.png>>

quasi 11 anni fa


03 - Matrix Variables 4
Make the following variable: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3d.png>> A 3x4 NaN (Not a Number) matrix (Hint: use ...

quasi 11 anni fa


03 - Matrix Variables 3
Make the following variable: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3c.png>> A 10x10 matrix where the numbers from 1 to 100 ...

quasi 11 anni fa


03 - Matrix Variables 2
Make the following variable: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3b.png>> A 9x9 matrix of zeros, but with the following v...

quasi 11 anni fa


03 - Matrix Variables 1
Make the following variable: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_3a.png>> A 9x9 matrix full of 2's (Hint: use *ones* o...

quasi 11 anni fa


02 - Vector Variables 5
_eVec_ = _Hello_ ( _eVec_ is a string, which is a vector of characters )

quasi 11 anni fa


02 - Vector Variables 4
Make the following variable: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_2d.png>> (Logarithmically spaced numbers between 1 and 1...

quasi 11 anni fa

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