
Amicable numbers
Test whether two numbers are <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amicable_numbers amicable>, meaning that the sum of the proper divis...

oltre 3 anni fa


Pseudo Square Root (Inspired by Project Euler 266)
Shamelessly copied from the Project Euler page for Problem 266: ------------- The divisors of 12 are: 1,2,3,4,6 and 12. T...

oltre 3 anni fa


Bouncy numbers
Inspired by Project Euler n°112. * * Working from left-to-right if no digit is exceeded by the digit to its left it is call...

oltre 3 anni fa


Euler–Mascheroni constant
Approximate the Euler-Mascheroni constant using the series representation gamma_n=\sum_{k=1}^{n} [1/k-ln(1+1/k)] Calculat...

oltre 3 anni fa


Approximate e
Given a and n, compute and approximation to f = a * e ^ n, without the use of exp, string operations, or floating point numbers....

oltre 3 anni fa


How many unique Pythagorean triples?
For a given integer |n|, return all <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_triple Pythagorean triples> that inlude numbers s...

oltre 3 anni fa


Goldbach's marginal conjecture - Write integer as sum of three primes
Goldbach's strong conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. For exampl...

oltre 3 anni fa


Consecutive Powers
Return 2 numbers and 2 powers such that their difference is 1 A 4 element row vector is expected: x where x(1)^x(2) - x(...

oltre 3 anni fa


Find two triangular numbers whose sum is input.
Find two triangular numbers whose sum is _input_. Note: The difference beetween the triangular numbers should be minimum.

oltre 3 anni fa


I'm going to enjoy watching you calculate, Mr Anderson
Smith numbers are numbers such that if you add up all of the digits in the number, that sum equals the sum of all of the digits ...

oltre 3 anni fa


Polar Form Complex Number Entry
Write a function that takes the magnitude and angle(in degrees) of a complex number and returns a complex variable. Positive ang...

oltre 3 anni fa


How brilliant are you?
A Brilliant number is defined as a number with two prime factors, both of which have the same number of digits. Some examples: ...

oltre 3 anni fa


calculate PI without using pi function
There are many methods to get the pi(Ratio of circumference to diameter). You should get pi without using the pi function in M...

oltre 3 anni fa


Give me Hamming on five, hold the mayo
A Hamming Number is a positive number that has no prime factor greater than 5. Given a number X, determine how many Hamming num...

oltre 3 anni fa


Hilbert numbers
Given a positive integer, n, return h as follows: 1. If n is not a <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_number Hilbert numb...

oltre 3 anni fa


Lah Numbers
Create a square lower diagonal matrix containing the first n Lah number coefficients. In mathematics, the Lah numbers are coeffi...

oltre 3 anni fa


Nth roots of unity
First, find the n nth roots of unity. eg if n = 6, find the n distinct (complex) numbers such that n^6 = 1. <https://en.wiki...

oltre 3 anni fa


Find Logic 12

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Find Logic 10

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Find Logic 9

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Find Logic 8

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Find Logic 7

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Find Logic 6

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Find Logic 4

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Find Logic 3

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Find Logic 1

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Find Logic 11

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Find Logic 13

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Find Logic 15

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Find Logic 14

oltre 3 anni fa

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