
jumping astronauts
The surface gravity on the moon is approximately 2 m/s^2. Thats why an funny astronauts feels as light as a feather and jumps fr...

oltre 2 anni fa


Babylonian method
Calculate the square root of a given positive number a using the Babylonian method (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_co...

oltre 2 anni fa


fractal circles
Create a fractal with circles using the same process as the Sierpinski triangle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpinski_trian...

oltre 2 anni fa


Volume of a truncated cube

oltre 2 anni fa


Inscribed circle in a triangle
A circle of radius r is inscribed in a triangle. In the figure, Ac=x and Bc=y. values of x & y are given. Find the ar...

oltre 2 anni fa


The length of the side of a square is given. Draw 4 quarter-circles inside the square from 4 corners with a radius equal to t...

oltre 2 anni fa


The End of the World
given a date -- represent it in the Maya long count system. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar> <https://maya.nm...

oltre 2 anni fa


Coin Distribution - 02
Prev prob <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/45385-coin-distribution> Given a set of coins and an amount,...

oltre 2 anni fa


Montgomery Multiplication

oltre 2 anni fa


Find R*Rp-N*Np=1 given gcd(R,N)=1

oltre 2 anni fa


Montgomery Reduction Algorithm (REDC)

oltre 2 anni fa


RSA decryption
Decrypt a large integer string using RSA decryption given the public key (n) and private key (d). Convert the large integer decr...

oltre 2 anni fa


RSA encryption using public key
Encrypt the message text by converting to uint8 matrix using UTF-8 representation. Convert uint8 matrix to a large integer strin...

oltre 2 anni fa


Determine RSA keys (public and private) given two prime number character strings (p and q)
Given two prime number character strings (p and q), generate the RSA public and private keys (n and d) with e = 65537. The more ...

oltre 2 anni fa


Return a list sorted by number of consecutive occurrences
Inspired by Problem 38 by Cody Team. Given a vector x, return a vector y of the values in x sorted by the number of CONSECUTIVE ...

oltre 2 anni fa


Easy Sequences 3: Prime 44-number Squares
The positive integers 62 and 238 are related. Their squares (3844 and 56,644) both end in '44'. In fact, 62 and 238 are the 3rd ...

oltre 2 anni fa


Easy Sequences 2: Trigonometric function with integral input and output
The function 'F', defined as: , will always return an integer if the input is a natural number (in radian...

oltre 2 anni fa


Easy Sequences 1: Find the index of an element
The nth element of a series is defined by: . Obviously, the first element . Given the nth element , find the value of the corre...

oltre 2 anni fa


Pandigital Factors (Based on Euler 491)
A Pandigital Number is a number containing all of the digits from 0-9 inclusive, with the added stipulation that it does not hav...

oltre 2 anni fa


Odd elimination
Inspired by Project Euler problem #539 You'll be given a vector from 1 to n; Going from left to right, remove the first n...

oltre 2 anni fa


Coin distribution
Imagine, u r in a shop. ur bill is n(2200). u want to pay the bill with minimum no of coins u have. u've coins of - 2000,1000...

oltre 2 anni fa


Easy Sequences 35: Cutting a donut to Semi-prime pieces
The figure below illustrates how a torus (donut shape) can be cut in pieces with only cuts: ...

oltre 2 anni fa


Easy Sequences 19: Length of Prime-sided Rectangle with Maximum Area
A prime-sided rectangle is a rectangle having sides represented by prime numbers. The figure below shows all the possible prime-...

oltre 2 anni fa


Perform Rubik's Cube Moves
A standard Rubik's Cube is shown in 3-D and also unfolded to identify the specific Tile-face numbering. The faces are White-U...

oltre 2 anni fa


Day counter function
Write a function called _day_counter_ that returns the number of Mondays that fell on the first day of the month in a given year...

oltre 2 anni fa


Divisors for big integer
Inspired by Problem 1025 and Project Euler 12. Given n, return the number y of integers that divide N. For example, with ...

oltre 2 anni fa


love is an n-letter word
Given a list of *N words*, return the *N-letter word* (choosing one letter from each word) with the property of having the least...

oltre 2 anni fa

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