
Find Logic 11

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Find Logic 12

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Find Logic 13

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Find Logic 15

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Find Logic 16

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Find Logic 17

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Find Logic 18

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Find Logic 19

circa un anno fa


Pi Digit Probability
Assume that the next digit of pi constant is determined by the historical digit distribution. What is the probability of next di...

circa un anno fa


Triangle Coordinates
Given a natural number n, return two -element vectors, x and y, containing the coordinates of a triangular arrangement of points...

circa un anno fa


QWERTY Shift Encoder
Encode a string using the QWERTY shift code. This code is where you touch type but are offset by one character to the right. O...

circa un anno fa


Guess Cipher
Guess the formula to transform strings as follows: 'Hello World!' --> 'Ifmmp Xpsme!' 'Can I help you?' --> 'Dbo J ifm...

circa un anno fa


Basic Mathematics 8
A robot is extending its arm and attempting to reach a game piece that is X” away and Yg ” off the ground. The base of the arm i...

circa un anno fa


Force and Motion 2
Two robots are pulling on an object in opposite directions. One robot pulls with a force of F1 Newtons and the other with a forc...

circa un anno fa


Laws of motion 6

circa un anno fa


Laws of motion 3

circa un anno fa


Angle Between Analog Clock Hands
Given a datetime variable t, return the angle (in degrees) between the hour and minute hands of an analog clock at the time repr...

circa un anno fa


Dartboard Average II
A dartboard arranges the numbers 1 to 20 such that each value is typically flanked by quite different values - for example, 20 i...

circa un anno fa


Extract the Acrostic Message
An acrostic cipher is a way of embedding one message within another by taking the first (or last) word of each line. Given a str...

circa un anno fa


Given a vector v and a positive integer n, return an m-by-n matrix containing the elements of v row-wise, alternating left-to-ri...

circa un anno fa


Create block matrix of integers (j+k-1) - Part I
Given m, n, p, and q, create a matrix of m-by-n blocks (submatrices), each sized p-by-q. The elements of the (j,k)th block all h...

circa un anno fa


Dartboard Average I
A dartboard arranges the numbers 1 to 20 such that each value is typically flanked by quite different values - for example, 20 i...

circa un anno fa


Split Even Number Into Two Primes
Given an even whole number n (> 2), return a 2-element vector of primes, p, such that p(1) + p(2) = n. Fun note: technically it...

circa un anno fa


Determine if Input is Oddish or Evenish (Odd/Even Sum of Digits)
Given a positive integer n, determine whether n is "oddish" or "evenish" - that is, whether the sum of the digits of n is odd or...

circa un anno fa


Big numbers, least significant digits
Given two numbers, x and n, return the last d digits of the number that is calculated by x^n. In all cases, d will be the number...

circa un anno fa


There are 10 types of people in the world
Those who know binary, and those who don't. The number 2015 is a palindrome in binary (11111011111 to be exact) Given a year...

circa un anno fa


Return the Fibonacci Sequence
Write a code which returns the Fibonacci Sequence such that the largest value in the sequence is less than the input integer N. ...

quasi 2 anni fa


Find similar sequences
Another problem inspired by a question on the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers answers> forum. Given a matrix ...

circa 2 anni fa


Probability of Choosing a Red Ball
Given two jars of red and blue balls, find the probability of choosing a red ball from Jar 1 after going through the steps. ...

oltre 2 anni fa


Calculate the probability that at least two people in a group share the same birthday.
Calculate the probability that at least two people in a group share the same birthday. Given an integer input n, return to 0.015...

oltre 2 anni fa

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