How to change datenum to normal date format?
You can use this function from the matlab file exchange to read time from a ncetcf file in user specified format: https://in.ma...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

For loop for hilb matrix
for i = 5:5:40 output_mat=hilb(i); % if you wish to store in cell array, uncomment the below line output_mat_cell{i...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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How to create nc file having lat, long, time, and 2D matrix
I hope this helps. [data]=xlsread('test.csv'); lat=data(2,2:end); lon=data(1,2:end); vardata=data(3:end,2:end); vardata(:,s...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

How to extract data from nc file by using shape file in MATLAB
You can use maskregion function, which mask out the data as per your shapefile. Example you can refer to for your convenience ...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

How to save the results of NetCDF as .nc file?
You can use nccreatewrite function to create a nc file having all the required variables. Example: lon=(65:0.5:95)'; lat=(3:0....

circa 5 anni fa | 1

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Saving data to .txt
Use dlmwrite to write into a ASCII file. A=magic(5) dlmwrite('sample.txt',A)

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

determining the value of an x corresponding to specifec y from the graph
Use polyfit to fit a linear line along all data points. It gives you a linear equation in terms of x and y. Just insert the valu...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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How to draw this 2 dimension figure (antenna feature) in Matlab?
I have just plotted your data simply. Check this out. figure('Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0, 0.04, 0.32, 0.96]);...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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How to sum two probability density functions?
"sum two of these pdfs and also substract both"? Are you pretty sure to add the pdfs? My suggestion is to first add data and ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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Converting a 2d vector to a 4d vector
Let's take a random data A A=randi(10,30,2); Use permute to change into 4D B=permute(A,[3,4,2,1]); Now, B(:,:,2,24) and...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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How do i filter out certain values in a cell matrix using conditions for strings ?
You can use _contains_ to find the required letter. _contains_ gives true if the part of search string contains in the main stri...

quasi 6 anni fa | 2

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The size of X must match the size of Z or the number of columns of Z.
There are few mistakes I want to highlight. You have used, contour(lat,lon,z............. It should be contour(lon...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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How do I efficiently find the mean and covariance of a cell containing matrices with different rows?
Use concatenate to mix up all cells into one matrix. cat(2,C{:}); %you can use this only if number of rows must be same in ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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How to present OBJ file (read as a mesh file) in a contour plot?
An example of creating a mesh is here, [X,Y] = meshgrid(-5:.2:5); R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2); Z = sin(R)./R; mesh(X,Y,Z...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

Placing multiple rectangles layout
figure rectangle('Position',[1 1 2 4],'Curvature',0) rectangle('Position',[5 2 4 3],'Curvature',0) rectangle('Positio...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

Shapefile distorted on World Map
"I'm not sure if it is an issue with my shapefiles or with how I'm projecting". Its only because of projection, the continen...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

Remove Data Outside Range
AA=temp(temp(:,1)>=4 & temp(:,1)<=20,:); There is no need to remove. Directly store the numbers which you need. [xx,yy...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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interp and interp3 give different size arrays
x0 = 1:100; y0 = 1:90; z0 = 1:100; data1=randi(10,90,100,100); %defining data over coarser resolution dimen...

quasi 6 anni fa | 2

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Animation using plot inside for loop
clc clear h=figure for n = 1:10 x_origin = 0; y_origin = 0; x_bob = 0.75*sin(n); y_bob = ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 3

Creating a report file in txt format and merging it with created text file
Please refer to these problems. <https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/32377-appending-a-file> <https://in.mathwo...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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Counting occurrences of each column in a matrix
Since you have not given any sample data, I am taking some random data. A=randi(50,50,50); A(A<=25)=0.4; A(A>25)=0.6;...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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Reading very heavy .txt files and writing into .xlsx
A=randi(10,50,50); %a random matrix to store in excel file xlswrite('sample.xlsx',A,'sheet1','A1') You can use 'sheet1' ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

Height and width of an image
Try this, A=imread('testing.jpg'); AA=rgb2gray(A); len=max(arrayfun(@(x) length(find(AA(:,x)~=255)),1:800)) bred=m...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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How to Write Output Figure with Table inside to Excel
"I have an image output with a table on my code" You can directly write this table in excel using xlswrite. A=randi(10,5...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

Logarithmic color scale in 2d histogram
Use ruler.scale to set log axis in colorbar. contourf(randi(1000,25,25)) cx= colorbar(); cx.Ruler.Scale = 'log'; c...

quasi 6 anni fa | 2

how to load dat file without header?
Since you have not attached any sample file, I am giving you an example with a attached file. A=importdata('sample.txt'); ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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If statement with many logical or.
Write statement inside of the loop for a1 = 0.4 : 0.1 : 1 for b1 = 0.2 : 0.1 : 1 if (a1 == b1 && b1 > 1-a...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

Sorting content of table columns
I am giving an example to explain. clc clear load patients T = table(Gender,Age,Height,Weight,Smoker,Systolic,Dias...

quasi 6 anni fa | 2

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how to read multiple mat files and and extract data from those
Whenever you wish to load all files, just use dir. F=dir('*.mat') for i =1:length(F) load(F(i).name) end

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

How can i plot graphs?
"How can i plot graphs?" Here is the sample program of plotting multiple lines in matlab. clc clear var1=rand(1...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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