How to make a crop image with a white color result ?
Do you want white space or not any space over cropped area. Refer this. Since you have not pasted the original image, I am tak...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

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How to write Output text file in Tabular format in matlab??
I am taking a random data to give you an example. A=rand(1,61); B=rand(1,61); C=rand(1,61); AA=[A' B' C'] dlmwr...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

excel data into a single columns using loop
What do you mean by equal spacing between each column. You cannot keep blank any element in matrix. You can do in cell. Here is ...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

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sir, can you please help me to convert this python code into matlab
Commented lines are the python code and uncommented lines are the matlab codes. There are few python functions which you have us...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

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Apply a mask of smaller size onto an image of a larger size
Just crop the data itself before using imshow. clc clear RGB=imread('f010.png'); subplot(1,2,1) imshow(RGB) ...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

How to write a MATLAB program which calculates the exact values for the geometric series?
a=1; %first term r=1/7; n=5; %number of values in geometric series s = a*r.^(0:n-1) If you want sum, then write ...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

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help with griddata (interpolate 2D data)
Since you have not uploaded any data set, I am taking an example to resolve your issue. lon=[65:95]; lat=[0:35]; ...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

How collect three different .mat files in one .mat file?
Just load the data. Once you can see all the variables in workspace, just write save('file.mat')

circa 6 anni fa | 2

How to plot graph x,y for text file
A=load('test.txt'); plot(A(:,1),A(:,2))

circa 6 anni fa | 5

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Choosing not number elements from matrix to use in title figures and plots
isletter gives the logical values where ever the letter is in your string. Use this is extract only letters and put this as titl...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

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i have a matlab code for feature extraction, how i apply this code to all my dataset in a file .without applying it one at atime.
F=dir('*.nc') % write extension for i =1:length(F) % write your commands. call the filename as F(i).name F(i).name ...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

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How to read multi three dimensions netcdf files in a loop and append their third dimensions?
Store it in fourth dimension "the size of each file in 21 x 23 x 248" for ii = 1:length(files) my_new_matrix(:,:,:,...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

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i want to store 3 attributes in 3 columns of excel sheet and 10 times
f1='13_1_1'; f2='13_1_2'; a=0; A={f1,f2,a} xlswrite('sample.xlsx',A,'sheet1 ','A1') You can easily put th...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

second-degree linear system
Firstly make all equation equal to 0. Write this in a function and save this as as first.m function F = first(x) F(1)=...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

append data in excel sheet
Just write the cell name at the time of using xlswrite A=rand(6,12)+10 %random data xlswrite('sample.xlsx',A,'sheet na...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

How to get rid of empty space and unit in my output
Merge both two columns into one and then write into text file. See this example. column1={'A','B','C','D','E','F','G',...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

plz explain the code
contour_thres = 0.005; asssigning the value in contour_thres thres_func = @(x) (x<contour_thres); creating a an...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

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I have to find the maximum element in a two dimensional array and replace it with 0.
A=randi(10,5,6) A(A==max(A(:)))=0

circa 6 anni fa | 2

Pareto chart in matlab for N x M matrix
What do you mean by this "What approach do i have to take in-order to achieve this"? If you have M*N matrix, then you can chang...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

how to solve mismatch data types
I dont understand your question fully. But I think this might helps you. >> a=8 a = 8 >> int3...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

How can i use the Enter button to run the program?
Use *Ctrl+Enter* to run the your program. Actually its there to run the current section of your program. If you didn't split...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

error in using the sum function
You have already defined sum as a variable clc clear m=5; %number of groups n=10 %size of each group sz=[m n]; ...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

Unzipping a uint8 array
Use unzip(zipfilename) unzip(zipfilename,directory) Reference: <http://matlab.izmiran.ru/help/techdoc/ref/unzip.html>

circa 6 anni fa | 2

Conditional with string wildcard
I have taken names as filename. full_name='Tree' Text2 = 'Tree'; %here is you mistake. Remove * from the last ...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

access sequence of file with date increment
This answer is not going to specific only for WRF output files, but for all. First read all files and store their names in a va...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

How to use datenum with a date represented as a scaler?
If A is numeric, then A=20180924 a1=num2str(A) datenum(str2double({a1(1:4),a1(5:6),a1(7:8)})); If you wish to ...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

Interpolation from coarse to fine grid
Hope this helps. The below code convert data over finer grids as well as it does vertical interpolation too. lat=[65:1:75]...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

How do I add elements to a structure in a loop?
Just simple store separated with dot. Example for ii=1:15 [a,b,c]=polyfit(randi(20,1,100),randi(10,1,100),2) ...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

can anyone tell me how to plot a three curves with different x and y values for all curve in single plot?
As you have not given any specific data set. I am taking a random data to give you an example. *Example 1* Just plot all t...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

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