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App-Based 5G Waveform Analysis

Since R2024b

This example shows how to analyze and visualize imported or captured 5G waveforms and export analysis results using the 5G Waveform Analyzer app.

Open the 5G Waveform Analyzer App

On the Apps tab of the MATLAB® toolstrip, under Signal Processing and Communications, click the 5G Waveform Analyzer app icon. This app opens the Wireless Waveform Analyzer app configured for 5G waveform analysis.

Import 5G Waveform

To import a waveform, click Import File in the Input Mode section, then select a .bb, .mat, or .txt file that contains a 5G waveform. You can use the 5G Waveform Generator app to create, and then export 5G waveforms to a .bb, .mat, or .txt file.

  • If you import a .bb file that contains metadata, including nrDLCarrierConfig or nrULCarrierConfig, the app selects the metadata as the carrier configuration.

  • If you import a .mat file, it is recommended to have specific variable names such as waveform, fs, and configuration. If the waveform and configuration variable names are not present in the .mat file, the app selects the first variable that is a complex 2-D matrix as a waveform and nrDLCarrierConfig or nrULCarrierConfig as the configuration, respectively.

  • If you import a .txt file, the first column must contain the in-phase (I) samples and the second column must contain the quadrature (Q) phase samples.

Once you import the waveform, the app lists the IQ sample source, sample rate, and configuration source in the Waveform Parameters panel. If you select a file that does not contain sample rate information, update the Sample rate (Hz) field manually. To edit or view the carrier configuration, click Waveform Configuration.

Capture 5G Waveform

To capture a waveform, select Instrument Connection in the Input Mode section. Set the instrument parameters such as center frequency, span, sample rate, capture time, and gain. To connect to the instrument and start capturing the waveform, click Capture Waveform. You can capture waveforms using a connected spectrum analyzer instrument that supports the virtual instrument software architecture (VISA) interface. The waveform capture capability requires:

Analyze and Visualize Waveform

To start waveform analysis, click Analyze in the Analysis section. You can select the impairment correction method from the Measurements panel. You can choose from a range of measurement visualization options such as the spectrum analyzer, constellation diagram, or various error vector magnitude (EVM) plots from the Visualize option drop-down menu. Additionally, you can view the measurement summary of each bandwidth part (BWP) of the waveform. You can select the required BWP from the BWP ID drop-down in the EVM plots and constellation diagram.

Export Analysis Results

When the analysis is complete, you can export the analysis results to your workspace or to a .mat file. To export the analysis results, click Export and select either Export Results to Workspace or Export Results to MAT File from the drop-down menu. To save the app session, click Save Session in the File section. The session saves the values provided in the dialogs, selected visualizations, and the waveform configuration. To open an app session, click Open Session in the File section, and select the saved session you want to open.

See Also


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