Organize Layout of Polyspace Desktop User Interface
The Polyspace® user interface has two default layouts of panes.
The default layout for project setup has the following arrangement of panes:
Project Browser | Configuration |
Output Summary |
The default layout for results review has the following arrangement of panes:
Results List | Result Details |
Dashboard |
You can create and save your own layout of panes. If the current layout of the user interface does not meet your requirements, you can use a saved layout.
You can also change to one of the default layouts of the Polyspace user interface. Select Window > Reset Layout > Project Setup or Window > Reset Layout > Results Review.
Create Your Own Layout
To create your own layout, you can close some of the panes, open some panes that are not visible by default, and move existing panes to new locations.
To open a closed pane, select Window > Show/Hide View > pane_name
To move a pane to another location:
Float the pane in one of three ways:
Click and drag the blue bar on the top of the pane to float all tabs in that pane.
For instance, if Project Browser and Results List are tabbed on the same pane, this action floats the pane together with its tabs.
Click and drag the tab at the bottom of the pane to float only that tab.
For instance, if Project Browser and Results List are tabbed on the same pane, dragging out Project Browser creates a pane with only Project Browser on it and floats this new pane.
on the top right of the pane to float all tabs in that pane.
Drag the pane to another location until it snaps into a new position.
If you want to place the pane in its original location, click
in the upper-right corner of the floating pane.
For instance, you can create your own layout for reviewing results.
Save and Reset Layout
After you have created your own layout, you can save it. You can change from another layout to this saved layout.
To save your layout, select Window > Save Current Layout As. Enter a name for this layout.
To use a saved layout, select Window > Reset Layout >
.To remove a saved layout from the Reset Layout list, select Window > Remove Custom Layout >