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Resolve Issue: coder.varsize Not Supported for Strings


Code generation does not support defining string variables as variable-size by using the coder.varsize directive. If you call coder.varize on a string variable, you see this error message during code generation:

coder.varsize() is not supported for variables of string type.

Possible Solutions

Consider this MATLAB® function, which returns a string. Code generation fails for this function because the code generator defines s as a fixed-size string with length 0 and cannot then increase the size of the string during the for-loop. You cannot use coder.varsize to define s as variable size because s is a string.

function out = varSizeStringError(n)
s = "";
for i = 1:n
    s = s + ":) ";
out = s;

Avoid Using Strings

If your application does not require strings, you can use a variable-size character vector instead of a string. For example:

function out = varSizeStringExample1(n)
s = '';
for i = 1:n
    s = append(s,':) ');
out = s;

Convert Variable-Size Character Vector to String

Because code generation supports defining variable-size character arrays using coder.varsize directive, you can define a variable-size character vector and then convert that vector to a string. For example:

function out = varSizeStringExample2(n)
chars = '';
s = convertCharsToStrings(chars);
for i = 1:n
    s = s + ":) ";
out = s;

Convert Array of Blanks to String

If you convert an empty array of blanks to a string, you can change the length of this string without explicitly defining it as variable size. For example:

function out = varSizeStringExample3(n)
s = string(blanks(coder.ignoreConst(0)));
for i = 1:n
    s = s + ":) ";
out = s;

See Also

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