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Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Actions for Driving Scenario Designer


On Macintosh platforms, use the Command (⌘) key instead of Ctrl.

Canvas Operations

These operations apply when you edit scenarios or sensors on the Scenario Canvas or Sensor Canvas panes, respectively.

Cut road, actor, barrier, or sensorCtrl+X
Copy road, actor, barrier, or sensorCtrl+C
Paste road, actor, barrier, or sensorCtrl+V
Delete road, actor, barrier, or sensorDelete
Zoom in or outScroll wheel

Road Operations

These operations apply when you add or edit roads on the Scenario Canvas pane.

Move road one meter in any directionUp, down, left, and right arrows
Commit a road to the canvas at the last-clicked road centerPress Enter or right-click in the canvas while creating the road
Commit a road to the canvas and create a road center at the current location

Double-click in the canvas while creating the road

A new road center is committed at the point where you double-click.

Exit the road editing mode and remove any road centers added while editingEsc
Add a road center to an existing roadDouble-click the selected road at the point where you want to add the road center

Actor Operations

Actor Selection, Placement, and Movement

These operations apply after you add actors to the Scenario Canvas pane.

Select an actorClick
Select multiple actors


Alternatively, hold Shift and draw a box around the actors you want to select. To select an actor, the actor origin must be within the box.

Three actors on a road with a selection box drawn around them.

Align actors along a selected dimension

Right-click one of the selected actors, and select one of the options in the Align Actors menu. You can align actors along their top, bottom, left, or right sides, or along their horizontal or vertical centers. This figure shows actors aligned along their left side.

Actors aligned along their left side

Distribute selected actors evenly along a road

Right-click one of the selected actors, and select one of the options in the Distribute Actors menu. You can distribute actors horizontally or vertically. This figure shows actors distributed vertically along a road.

Actors distributed vertically along a road

Move selected actors 1 meter in any directionUp, down, left, and right arrows
Move selected actors 0.1 meter in any directionHold Ctrl and use the up, down, left, and right arrows

Actor Trajectories

These operations apply after you select an actor on the Scenario Canvas pane and right-click the actor to add trajectory waypoints. If you select multiple actors, then these operations are disabled.

Commit a trajectory to the canvas at the last-clicked waypointPress Enter or right-click while creating the trajectory
Commit an actor trajectory to the canvas and create a waypoint at the current location

Double-click in the canvas while creating the trajectory

A new waypoint is committed at the point where you double-click.

Exit the trajectory editing mode and remove any waypoints added while editingEsc
Add a waypoint to an existing trajectoryDouble-click the selected actor at the point where you want to add the waypoint

Add forward motion waypoints to a trajectory

Press Ctrl+F and add new waypoints
Add reverse motion waypoints to a trajectoryPress Ctrl+R and add new waypoints to trajectory

Actor Rotation

These operations apply to actors on the Scenario Canvas pane that do not already have specified trajectories. To modify existing trajectories for a selected actor, interactively move actor waypoints. Alternatively, on the Actors pane, edit the yaw values in the Waypoints, Speeds, Wait Times, and Yaw table.

To interactively rotate an actor that does not already have a trajectory, move your pointer over the actor and select the actor rotation widget.

An actor with the pointer over the actor rotation widget. A tooltip of "Rotate - Car - Negative 18 degrees" is displayed above the pointer.

If you do not see this widget, try zooming in.

Alternatively, click in the pane to select the actor you want to rotate and use these keyboard shortcuts.

If you have multiple actors selected, then these operations apply to all selected actors.

Rotate actor 1 degree clockwiseHold Alt and press the right arrow key
Rotate actor 1 degree counterclockwiseHold Alt and press the left arrow key
Rotate actor 15 degrees clockwiseHold Alt+Ctrl and press the right arrow key
Rotate actor 15 degrees counterclockwiseHold Alt+Ctrl and press the left arrow key
Set actor rotation to 0 degreesHold Alt and press the up arrow key
Set actor rotation to 180 degreesHold Alt and press the down arrow key

Preview Actor Times of Arrival

This operation applies when at least one actor in the driving scenario has a specified wait time or non-default spawn or despawn times. To specify a wait time or spawn and despawn times for an actor, use the wait (s) parameter in the Waypoints, Speeds, Wait Times, and Yaw table or the Actor spawn and despawn parameter, respectively.

Preview actor times of arrival at waypoints

Point to a waypoint along the trajectory of an actor

Actor arrival time at a waypoint

Barrier Placement Operations

These operations apply while you add barriers to the Scenario Canvas pane using Add Actor > Jersey Barrier or Add Actor > Guardrail.

Add a barrier to a single road edge.Single Click on the highlighted road edge.
Add barriers to multiple road edges.

Ctrl+Click on the highlighted road edge.

Continue to add barriers to multiple road edges as required.

Select multiple road segments on the same side of the road.

Shift+Click on a road edge.

If any intersections exist, barriers will not be added to the area of intersection.

Sensor Operations

These operations apply after you select a sensor on the Sensor Canvas pane.

Undo a sensor rotation while still rotating it.Esc

File Operations

Open scenario fileCtrl+O
Save scenario fileCtrl+S

See Also

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