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Pass root-level I/O as

How generated code passes root-level input and output to reusable execution entry-point function

Model Configuration Pane: Code Generation / Interface


The Pass root-level I/O as parameter controls how root-level model input and output data is passed to a reusable model_step, model_initialize, or model_terminate entry-point function.


To enable this parameter, set the Code interface packaging parameter to Reusable function.


Individual arguments (default) | Structure reference | Part of model data structure
Individual arguments

Passes each root-level model input and output value to the entry-point function as a separate argument.

Structure reference

Packs root-level model input into a struct, packs root-level model output into another struct, and passes the structures to the entry-point function as arguments.

Part of model data structure

Packages root-level model input and output into the real-time model data structure rtModel.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
EfficiencyNo impact
Safety precautionNo impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: RootIOFormat
Type: character vector
Value: 'Individual arguments' | 'Structure reference' | 'Part of model data structure'
Default: 'Individual arguments'

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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