Stack Usage Profiling for Code Generated From MATLAB Code
To determine the size of stack memory that is required to run generated code, you can run a software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution that generates a stack usage profile. The SIL or PIL execution instruments the generated code and uses the instrumentation to calculate stack usage. When the execution is complete, you can view a code stack profiling report that shows minimum, average, and maximum memory demand. Using the Simulation Data Inspector, you can observe streamed stack usage information during and after the execution. The profiles that you generate enable you to observe the effect of compiler optimization and data input on stack usage.
Benefits of Dynamic Stack Usage Profiling
Static stack usage analysis has some limitations. For example, it does not consider:
Memory optimization performed by a compiler. For example, variables that are optimized away or stored in registers.
Additional memory that the compiler uses in a function call. Compilers store the address to which the execution returns after the function call.
Memory alignment that the compiler applies.
The dynamic stack usage profiling provided by a SIL or PIL execution does not have the listed limitations because the execution calculates the actual memory usage of the compiled code.
Generate Stack Usage Profile
Before running a software-in-the-loop or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution, enable stack usage profiling:
To open the MATLAB® Coder™ app, on the MATLAB Toolstrip Apps , under Code Generation, click the app icon.
To open your project, click
and then click
Open existing project
. Select the project.On the Generate Code page, click the arrow next to Generate.
In the Generate dialog box:
Click More Settings.
Click Debugging.
Under SIL/PIL, select the Enable entry point stack profiling check box.
Click Close.
Click Generate.
Stack usage profiling does not support the OpenMP library. Before you generate
code, on the Generate Code page, click the arrow next to
Generate. Then, click More
Settings. Under Advanced, set
Enable OpenMP library if possible to
Or, from the Command Window, specify properties of your
object. For
% Enable entry point stack usage profiling config.CodeStackProfiling = true; % Disable OpenMP config.EnableOpenMP = false;
View Stack Usage Profile From SIL Execution
For a MATLAB function, perform a software-in-the-loop execution that generates stack usage measurements and then use the data to determine stack memory requirements.
In your local working folder, create the function foo.m
, which
evaluates an integer factorial by using a recursive
function out = foo(in) coder.inline('never'); out = factorial_(in); end function out = factorial_(in) coder.inline('never'); if in == 1 out = 1; else out = in * factorial_(in-1); end end
Configure stack usage profiling for the SIL execution.
config = coder.config('lib'); config.GenerateReport = true; config.VerificationMode = 'SIL'; config.CodeStackProfiling = true; config.EnableOpenMP = false;
In the folder, create test_example.m
, a MATLAB script that calls the compiled function multiple
for idx = 1: size(X,1) Y(idx,1) = foo(X(idx,1)); end
Create a test vector of integers.
X=[1 2 5 8]';
Generate library code for the foo
MATLAB function and the SIL interface and start the SIL
codegen -report -config config foo -args {1} -test test_example
Code generation successful: View report Running test file: 'test_example' with MEX function 'foo_sil.mexw64'. ### Starting SIL execution for 'foo' To terminate execution: clear foo_sil Stack profiling data is available for viewing. Open Simulation Data Inspector. Stack profiling report available after termination.
To observe streamed stack usage measurements while the execution runs, click the
Simulation Data Inspector
To open the code stack profiling report, terminate the SIL execution process by
clicking the link clear
### Application stopped
### Stopping SIL execution for 'foo'
Stack profiling report: report(getCoderStackProfile('foo'))
Then, click the link report(getCoderStackProfile('foo'))
You can create a workspace variable that holds the execution time data.
stackUsageProfile= getCoderStackProfile('foo');
If you close the report, you can reopen the report by running:
Section 1:
Provides information that indicates how the target compiler views memory and aligns variables.
States whether a target-specific or generic driver obtained stack usage data from the target hardware.
Provides a timestamp for the report.
Section 2 provides, for each task, this information:
Minimum, average, and maximum stack usage in bytes.
Number of times the generated code is called.
The report provides more information through clickable icons. The workspace
variable, for example, stackUsageProfile
, must be present in the
base workspace.
If you click , you can view the stack usage distribution for
the execution.
If you click , you can view the variation of stack usage over
the execution.
The integer value of the input argument for foo
increases with
successive calls to the function. As the integer value increases, the number of
recursive calls to the function factorial_()
also increases,
which results in the observed increases of stack memory usage.
Section 3 displays the maximum stack use for each task with reference to the
maximum stack size permitted. In the SIL or PIL execution, the MATLAB
Coder configuration setting StackUsageMax
specifies the maximum stack size, which the bar chart displays as a horizontal red
line. If the StackUsageMax
value is much greater than the stack
usage of the tasks, the bar chart does not display a red line. To help your visual
analysis of stack usage requirements, you can use the
property of the workspace variable to
respecify the maximum stack size value. For example:
stackUsageProfile= getCoderStackProfile('foo');
stackUsageProfile.MaxStackUsageAllowed = 550;
Implement Driver to Obtain Stack Usage Data During PIL Execution
A PIL execution requires a driver implementation that obtains stack usage data from the target hardware. The driver must return the value of the stack register.
If you do not specify a driver for your target hardware, the PIL execution tries to use a default generic driver.
When you set up PIL target connectivity, specify the driver through an
subclass. This
code provides an example.rtw.connectivity.Config
classdef overheadConnectivityConfig < rtw.connectivity.Config methods function this = customConnectivityConfig(componentArgs) % Create builder targetApplicationFramework = ... mypil.TargetApplicationFramework(componentArgs); builder = rtw.connectivity.MakefileBuilder(componentArgs, ... targetApplicationFramework, ''); % Create launcher launcher = mypil.Launcher(componentArgs, builder); % Set up communication hostCommunicator = rtw.connectivity.RtIOStreamHostCommunicator(... componentArgs, ... launcher, ... rtiostreamLibTCPIP); % Call super class constructor to register components this@rtw.connectivity.Config(componentArgs,... builder,... launcher,... hostCommunicator); % Specify driver implementation that obtains stack usage % data from the target hardware stackUsageDriver = coder.profile.StackDriver(); stackUsageDriver.PtrDataType = 'uint64'; stackUsageDriver.HeaderFile = 'myHeaderFile.h'; stackUsageDriver.SourceFile = 'mySourceFile.c'; stackUsageDriver.IncludePaths = {'path/To/myFolder1', ... 'path/To/myFolder2', ... 'path/To/myFolder3'}; stackUsageDriver.DriverFunction = 'myDriverFunction'; this.setStackDriver(stackUsageDriver); end end end
For more information about setting up PIL target connectivity, see: