Specify Starting Points and Values for surrogateopt
, Problem-Based
For some solvers, you can pass the objective and constraint function values, if any, to solve
in the x0
argument. This can save time in the solver. Pass a vector of OptimizationValues
objects. Create this vector using the optimvalues
The solvers that can use the objective function values are:
The solvers that can use nonlinear constraint function values are:
For example, minimize the peaks
function using surrogateopt
, starting with values from a grid of initial points. Create a grid from -10 to 10 in the x
variable, and –5/2
to 5/2
in the y
variable with spacing 1/2. Compute the objective function values at the initial points.
x = optimvar("x",LowerBound=-10,UpperBound=10); y = optimvar("y",LowerBound=-5/2,UpperBound=5/2); prob = optimproblem("Objective",peaks(x,y)); xval = -10:10; yval = (-5:5)/2; [x0x,x0y] = meshgrid(xval,yval); peaksvals = peaks(x0x,x0y);
Pass the values in the x0
argument by using optimvalues
. This saves time for solve
, as solve
does not need to compute the values. Pass the values as row vectors.
x0 = optimvalues(prob,'x',x0x(:)','y',x0y(:)',... "Objective",peaksvals(:)');
Solve the problem using surrogateopt
with the initial values.
[sol,fval,eflag,output] = solve(prob,x0,Solver="surrogateopt")
Solving problem using surrogateopt.
surrogateopt stopped because it exceeded the function evaluation limit set by 'options.MaxFunctionEvaluations'.
sol = struct with fields:
x: 0.2279
y: -1.6258
fval = -6.5511
eflag = SolverLimitExceeded
output = struct with fields:
elapsedtime: 21.6766
funccount: 200
constrviolation: 0
ineq: [1x1 struct]
rngstate: [1x1 struct]
message: 'surrogateopt stopped because it exceeded the function evaluation limit set by ...'
solver: 'surrogateopt'
See Also
| solve
| optimvalues