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Check for HDL Reciprocal block usage

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelChecker.runHDLRecipChecks

Check ID:com.mathworks.HDL.ModelAdvisor.runHDLRecipChecks

Check if the model uses HDL Reciprocal blocks.

Available with Simulink® and HDL Coder™.


This check displays a warning if your Simulink model contains HDL Reciprocal blocks.

Results and Recommended Actions

To fix this warning, click Modify Settings and the code generator replaces the HDL Reciprocal blocks with Math Reciprocal blocks.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Runs on library models

  • Analyzes content in all masked subsystems

  • Allows exclusions of blocks and charts

  • Does not analyze the content of library linked blocks

See Also