Implement Atan2 Block with Control Signals
This example shows how to implement the control-signal based Atan2 block and use it to generate HDL code.
Open and Run Simulink Model
Specify the input data as a linear sweep through values in the range [-pi, pi]. You can change these values according to your requirements.
input_values = (-pi:.01/(2*pi):pi)'; RADIUS = 10.^(-2.5:.25:0);
Specify the word length for fixed-point data types and the latency for the model. The latency depends on the number of iterations.
WL_atan2 = 18; latency_atan2 = 14;
Map the input data to x- and y-coordinate values.
x_log = zeros(length(input_values)*length(RADIUS),1); y_log = zeros(length(input_values)*length(RADIUS),1); for outerindex = 0:length(RADIUS)-1 for index = 1:length(input_values) input = input_values(index); % access current value y = RADIUS(outerindex+1)*sin(input); % compute y x = RADIUS(outerindex+1)*cos(input); % compute x addr = outerindex*length(input_values)+index; y_log(addr) = y; x_log(addr) = x; end end
Open the hdlcoder_atan2_control
model and specify a stop time sufficient to process all the input combinations. The model has an Atan2 block that implements the four-quadrant arctangent operation using the CORDIC algorithm.
stoptime_atan2 = length(x_log)-1+latency_atan2; close all open_system('hdlcoder_atan2_control') sim('hdlcoder_atan2_control')
This figure shows the output waveform when you simulate the model. The dataOut
output is valid when validOut
is 1
Validate Simulink Output By Using Reference Output
To validate the output of the Simulink model, compare this output with a reference value. To obtain the reference value, use the atan2 MATLAB function. The maximum error value is significantly smaller than the output of the model.
Maximum Error theta 7.233221e-03
Generate HDL Code for Atan2 Implementation
Check the HDL settings of the model by using the hdlsaveparams
%% Set Model 'hdlcoder_atan2_control' HDL parameters hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'HDLSubsystem', 'hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'ResetType', 'Synchronous'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'SynthesisTool', 'Xilinx Vivado'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'SynthesisToolChipFamily', 'Virtex7'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'SynthesisToolDeviceName', 'xc7v2000t'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'SynthesisToolPackageName', 'fhg1761'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'SynthesisToolSpeedValue', '-2'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'TargetDirectory', 'hdl_prj\hdlsrc'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'TargetFrequency', 500); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2/Atan2', 'Architecture', 'Cordic'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2/LumpLatency', 'Architecture', 'MATLAB Datapath'); % Set SubSystem HDL parameters hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2/LumpLatency', 'FlattenHierarchy', 'on'); hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2/ValidLine', 'Architecture', 'MATLAB Datapath'); % Set SubSystem HDL parameters hdlset_param('hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2/ValidLine', 'FlattenHierarchy', 'on');
To generate HDL code for the Atan2 block in the model, use the makehdl
makehdl('hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2') close_system('hdlcoder_atan2_control') close all;
### Working on the model <a href="matlab:open_system('hdlcoder_atan2_control')">hdlcoder_atan2_control</a> ### Generating HDL for <a href="matlab:open_system('hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2')">hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2</a> ### Using the config set for model <a href="matlab:configset.showParameterGroup('hdlcoder_atan2_control', { 'HDL Code Generation' } )">hdlcoder_atan2_control</a> for HDL code generation parameters. ### Running HDL checks on the model 'hdlcoder_atan2_control'. ### Begin compilation of the model 'hdlcoder_atan2_control'... ### Begin compilation of the model 'hdlcoder_atan2_control'... ### Working on the model 'hdlcoder_atan2_control'... ### Working on... <a href="'hdlcoder_atan2_control', 'GenerateModel')">GenerateModel</a> ### Begin model generation 'gm_hdlcoder_atan2_control'... ### Rendering DUT with optimization related changes (IO, Area, Pipelining)... ### Model generation complete. ### Generated model saved at <a href="matlab:open_system('hdl_prj/hdlsrc/hdlcoder_atan2_control/gm_hdlcoder_atan2_control.slx')">hdl_prj/hdlsrc/hdlcoder_atan2_control/gm_hdlcoder_atan2_control.slx</a> ### Begin VHDL Code Generation for 'hdlcoder_atan2_control'. ### Working on hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2/Atan2 as hdl_prj/hdlsrc/hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2_block.vhd. ### Working on hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2 as hdl_prj/hdlsrc/hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2.vhd. ### Code Generation for 'hdlcoder_atan2_control' completed. ### Generating HTML files for code generation report at <a href="'/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_965438/tp67217721/hdlcoder-ex94659518/hdl_prj/hdlsrc/hdlcoder_atan2_control/html/hdlcoder_atan2_control_codegen_rpt.html')">hdlcoder_atan2_control_codegen_rpt.html</a> ### Creating HDL Code Generation Check Report file:///tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_965438/tp67217721/hdlcoder-ex94659518/hdl_prj/hdlsrc/hdlcoder_atan2_control/Atan2_report.html ### HDL check for 'hdlcoder_atan2_control' complete with 0 errors, 0 warnings, and 0 messages. ### HDL code generation complete.
Atan2 Block Synthesis Performance
This figure shows the Atan2 block synthesis performance on the Xilinx® Virtex® 7 and Intel® Stratix® V devices.