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AXI Manager

Access AXI subordinate memory on FPGA board from MATLAB® or Simulink®


MATLAB AXI master has been renamed to AXI manager. In the software and documentation, the terms "manager" and "subordinate" replace "master" and "slave," respectively.

Use AXI manager to access subordinate memory locations on the board. You can read from and write to on-board memory locations from MATLAB or Simulink over Ethernet (programmable logic (PL) Ethernet or processing system (PS) Ethernet), JTAG, PCI Express®, or USB Ethernet interface.

AXI manager supports the PS Ethernet and USB Ethernet interfaces for only the AMD® Zynq® devices.

To use this feature, you must download a hardware support package for your FPGA board. See support package documentation. For an Intel® FPGA board, see AXI Manager. For an AMD FPGA board, see AXI Manager.

For information on downloading support packages, see Download FPGA Board Support Package.


Logic AnalyzerVisualize, measure, and analyze transitions and states over time



  • Set Up AXI Manager
    High-level steps for accessing memory-mapped locations on an FPGA board from MATLAB or Simulink.

AXI Manager Requirements and Preparation

Featured Examples

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