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Generating Functional Coverage in SystemVerilog from Simulink Test verify Calls

This example demonstrates how to test a projector control system using model simulation, and how to generate a SystemVerilog DPI component for some of the controller's high level requirements that are specified in a Test Sequence block. This will allow the requirement verification used for model simulation to be reused in the HDL simulator with minimal effort.

The model was taken from the example Projector Controller Testing Using verify and Real-Time Tests (Simulink Test) shipped with Simulink Test™, and simplified to show only requirement scenario 4.

To learn more about verify statements, see Verify Model Simulation by Using When Decomposition (Simulink Test).

Other Prerequisites

In addition to the stated product requirements, this example requires:


The test verifies the controller against its requirements using test sequences that exercise the top-level controller model. The controller uses a push button input and a temperature sensor input, and outputs signals controlling the fan, fan speed, and projector lamp.

The objective is to generate a SystemVerilog DPI component that captures high level requirement number 4 of the controller. For more information about the requirements refer to the word document sltestProjectorCtrlReqs.docx in the example referred above.

Requirement 4 tries to turn on and off the projector when the projector temperature (Tproj) is high. The scenario has the following steps in the Test Sequence block:

  1. Set projector temperature to 50 degree Celsius.

  2. Try to turn on.

  3. The system should not turn on.

  4. Set the temperature to 50 degree Celsius.

  5. Try to turn off.

  6. The system should turn off.

The picture below shows the testbench for the above requirement and how verify is used to check that the projector turns on or off depending on the scenario.

Set Up Model for Code Generation

The model and testbench are preconfigured with one of the SystemVerilog DPI system target files (systemverilog_dpi_grt.tlc). Open the test harness Req_scenario_4 by executing:

testFile = 'svdpi_sltestProjectorCtrlTests.mldatx';
testHarness = 'Req_scenario_4';
model = 'svdpi_sltestProjectorController';

Generate SystemVerilog DPI Component

  1. In the Req_scenario_4 testbench, right click the Req_4 subsystem block which contains the test sequence block and select. C/C++ Code -> Build This Subsystem.

  2. Click Build in the dialog box that appears.

  3. The build generates C code for the Req_4 subsystem, and a SystemVerilog DPI wrapper and package file named "Req_4_build/" and "Req_4_build/".

Note that some verification warnings will be triggered, this will be explained later.

Alternatively you can generate the component by executing:


Run Generated Testbench in HDL Simulator

For this example ModelsSim/QuestaSim simulator will be used. For detailed instructions on how to run the testbench refer to Get Started with SystemVerilog DPI Component Generation.

cd Req_4_build/dpi_tb
! vsim -c -do  # Run ModelSim/QuestaSim in console mode
cd ../..

Examine the HDL simulation output and notice the following:

  • An info message shows that functional coverage will be gathered for 2 verify calls in the component

  • There is an error flagged regarding a failure of the controller to shut off when the temperature is above a limit.

  • The test is marked as PASSED because the SystemVerilog simulation results match the Simulink simulation results.

  • The functional coverage shows that coverage is achieved for the first verify call but is not achieved for the second.

  • The overall functional coverage goal is not met.

The error is consistent with the simulation results in Simulink (below). Opening the Test Manager reveals that the controller fails to shut off when the on_off button is pressed when the temperature is above a limit. To open test manager you can execute:


Resolving the failure would require to modify the OnOff check subsystem in the main model. The other requirement, verify_sc4_on, is satisfied, as shown in both the Simulink Test and SystemVerilog coverage results.

Tracing a SystemVerilog Error Back to Simulink

If you want to trace the verify statement that generated the error back to Simulink you need to find the Simulink Identifier (SID) from the error message as shown below:

Once you find the SID for the step id in the test sequence block you can use a function to highlight the corresponding block. Execute the following command:


This will highlight the relevant block as shown below.

Filter a Specific Verify Assessment

To filter any verify assessment status checks in the HDL simulator, supply the SID of the assessment you want to filter as a plusargs argument to the HDL simulator. Such a filter will means no errors and no coverage will be checked for that assessment. For instance you can filter the error that verify_sc4_off gives by supplying the argument "+Req_scenario_4:32:60" to the HDL simulator. You can do this through an environment variable so you don't have to modify the generated script.

% Clear environment variables that influence the SV simulation
% Filter the failing verify()
setenv EXTRA_SVDPI_SIM_ARGS +Req_scenario_4:32:60=-1
cd Req_4_build/dpi_tb
! vsim -c -do  # Run ModelSim/QuestaSim in console mode
cd ../..

Notice that the HDL simulation now shows:

  • A warning that one of the verify assessments is being filtered

  • An info message that coverage will be gathered for the other assessment

  • There are no longer any errors.

  • The test is marked as PASSED because the SystemVerilog simulation results match the Simulink simulation results.

  • The functional coverage shows that coverage is achieved for the enabled assessment

  • The overall functional coverage goal is met.

Increase the Coverage Goal of a Specific Verify Assessment

You can also change the desired functional coverage goal for any assessment by supplying a positive value to the plus arg. The default goal is to see at least 1 PASS status for the verify call. If you wanted to ensure that there were at least 2 verify PASS status checks you would supply a "2" as the plus arg value.

% Clear environment variables that influence the SV simulation
% Filter the failing |verify| and set a coverage goal of 2 for the other |verify|
setenv EXTRA_SVDPI_SIM_ARGS '+Req_scenario_4:32:60=-1 +Req_scenario_4:32:39=2'
cd Req_4_build/dpi_tb
! vsim -c -do  # Run ModelSim/QuestaSim in console mode
cd ../..

Notice that the HDL simulation now shows that the non-filtered verify is not meeting the coverage goal of at least 2 PASSes and therefore the test as a whole is not either.

Log Pass, Fail, and Untested Status for All Verify Assessments

You can add log output for all status checks for all unfiltered verify calls by adding the +VERBOSE_VERIFY plus arg. This might be useful if you need to check on the timing and distribution of the UNTESTED, PASS, and FAIL verify status values.

% Clear environment variables that influence the SV simulation
% Log every status check.
cd Req_4_build/dpi_tb
! vsim -c -do  # Run ModelSim/QuestaSim in console mode
cd ../..

Notice that the HDL simulation now shows each UNTESTED and PASS status check value as a SystemVerilog info message and each FAIL status a SystemVerilog error.


SystemVerilog DPI component generation and the Test Sequence block from Simulink Test™ can be used to migrate verification logic from Simulink to a HDL simulator with minimal effort.

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