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Blocked Images

Read and navigate big images and multiresolution images

A big image may not fit into memory, which makes it challenging to display and process. The blockedImage object solves this problem by representing an image as a collection of smaller blocks of data that can be independently loaded and processed. A blockedImage object can support large images and images with one or multiple resolution levels.


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blockedImageBig or multiresolution image made from discrete blocks (Since R2021a)
makeMultiLevel2D2-D multilevel blocked image (Since R2023a)
makeMultiLevel3D3-D multilevel blocked image (Since R2023a)
concatenateLevelsConcatenate levels from multiple blocked images (Since R2023a)
polyToBlockedImageCreate labeled blockedImage object from set of ROIs (Since R2021b)
blockLocationSetList of block locations in large images (Since R2020a)
selectBlockLocationsSelect blocks from blocked images (Since R2020b)
mergeBlockLocationSetsMerge block location sets (Since R2023a)
imageshowDisplay image in 2-D viewer (Since R2024b)
viewer2dCreate viewer for 2-D image display (Since R2024b)
bigimageshowDisplay 2-D blockedImage object
showmaskShow mask overlay at specified inclusion threshold
showlabelsDisplay label overlay on bigimageshow object (Since R2021b)
applyProcess blocks of blocked image (Since R2021a)
countEachLabelCounts number of pixel labels for each class (Since R2021a)
cropCreate cropped version of blocked image (Since R2021a)
blockedImageDatastoreDatastore for use with blocks from blockedImage objects (Since R2021a)


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