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Interpolation of Multiple 1-D Value Sets

This example shows how to interpolate three 1-D data sets in a single pass using griddedInterpolant. This is a faster alternative to looping over your data sets.

Define the x-coordinates that are common to all value sets.

x = (1:5)';

Define the sets of sample points along the columns of matrix V.

V = [x, 2*x, 3*x]
V = 5×3

     1     2     3
     2     4     6
     3     6     9
     4     8    12
     5    10    15

Create the interpolant F by passing the sample points and sample values to griddedInterpolant. With this setup, griddedInterpolant interprets V as containing three different 1-D data sets defined at the same x-values.

F = griddedInterpolant(x,V);

Create a vector of query points with 0.5 spacing.

qx = 1:0.5:5;

Evaluate the interpolant at the x-coordinates for each value set.

Vq = F(qx)
Vq = 9×3

    1.0000    2.0000    3.0000
    1.5000    3.0000    4.5000
    2.0000    4.0000    6.0000
    2.5000    5.0000    7.5000
    3.0000    6.0000    9.0000
    3.5000    7.0000   10.5000
    4.0000    8.0000   12.0000
    4.5000    9.0000   13.5000
    5.0000   10.0000   15.0000

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