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ThermalBC Properties

Boundary condition for thermal model

A ThermalBC object specifies the type of PDE boundary condition on a set of geometry boundaries. A ThermalModel object contains a vector of ThermalBC objects in its BoundaryConditions.ThermalBCAssignments property.

Specify boundary conditions for your model using the thermalBC function.


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Geometric region type, specified as 'Face' for 3-D geometry or 'Edge' for 2-D geometry.

Data Types: char | string

Geometric region ID, specified as a vector of positive integers. Find the region IDs by using pdegplot with the 'FaceLabels' (3-D) or 'EdgeLabels' (2-D) value set to 'on'.

Data Types: double

Temperature boundary condition, specified as a number or a function handle. Use a function handle to specify spatially or temporally varying temperature.

Data Types: double | function_handle

Heat flux boundary condition, specified as a number or a function handle. Use a function handle to specify a spatially or temporally varying heat flux or a nonlinear heat flux.

Data Types: double | function_handle

Convection to ambient boundary condition, specified as a number or a function handle. Use a function handle to specify a spatially or temporally varying convection coefficient or a nonlinear convection coefficient. Specify ambient temperature using the AmbientTemperature argument.

Data Types: double | function_handle

Radiation emissivity coefficient, specified as a number in the range (0,1). Use a function handle to specify spatially or temporally varying emissivity or nonlinear emissivity. Specify ambient temperature using the AmbientTemperature argument and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant using the thermal model properties.

Data Types: double | function_handle

Ambient temperature, specified as a number. The ambient temperature value is required for specifying convection and radiation boundary conditions.

Data Types: double

Vectorized function evaluation, specified as 'on' or 'off'. This evaluation applies when you pass a function handle as an argument. To save time in function handle evaluation, specify 'on', assuming that your function handle computes in a vectorized fashion. See Vectorization. For details of this evaluation, see Nonconstant Boundary Conditions.

Data Types: char | string

Label for use with linearizeInput, specified as a character vector or a string.

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2017a