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Filter and Sort Results in Polyspace Access Web Interface

This topic describes how to filter, sort, and otherwise manage results in the Polyspace Access web interface. For a similar workflow in the user interface of the Polyspace desktop products, see Filter and Group Results in Polyspace Desktop User Interface (Polyspace Bug Finder) or Filter and Group Results in Polyspace Desktop User Interface (Polyspace Code Prover).

When you open the results of a Polyspace® analysis in the Dashboard view of Polyspace Access, you see statistics about your project in the Project Overview dashboard. The statistics cover findings for:

To organize your review, you can narrow down the list or group results by file or result type.

Some of the ways you can use filtering are:

Filter Results

You can filter results by drilling down on a set of results in a dashboard, or directly in the Results List pane by using the Review toolstrip filters.

Filter Using Dashboards

Bug Finder dashboards

In the Dashboard view, you can:

  • Click a section of a pie chart or a pie chart legend on the Project Overview dashboard to see the corresponding set of results.

  • Open dashboards for different families of results, then click a number to open a list filtered to the corresponding set of results. For instance:

    • To see only high-impact defects that are still Open in a Bug Finder analysis, click the corresponding number in the Summary section of the Defects dashboard. Open results have status Unreviewed, To Investigate, To Fix, or Other.

    • To see only red checks that are Done in a Code Prover analysis, click the corresponding number in the Summary section of the Run-time Checks dashboard. Done results have status Justified, No Action Planned, or Not A Defect.

    • To see violations of the MISRAC C:2012 coding standards in a particular file, use the table in the Details section of the MISRA C:2012 dashboard.

  • Compare the Current run to an earlier Baseline run and review New or Unresolved findings. See Compare Results in Polyspace Access Project to Previous Runs and View Trends.

If you select a folder that contains multiple projects in the Project Explorer, the dashboards display an aggregate of results for all the projects. Most of the fields in the dashboard are not clickable when you look at the statistics for multiple projects.

Filter Using Review Toolstrip

Review toolstrip

In the Review view, you can filter results by families of Polyspace results (Family Filters), or by result review progress (Filters). For instance:

  • To see Bug Finder defects only, select the Defects filter in the Family Filters group.

  • To see only results that are not justified, select the Open filter in the Filters group.

The filter bar underneath the toolstrip shows how many findings are displayed out of the total findings, along with which filters are currently applied.


If you are reviewing a filtered list of open results and you add an SQO filter, the number of filtered results might increase. This can happen when your project has code metrics with a status of FAIL. The SQO filter adds the failing code metric results to the list of results.

The buttons in the Filters section of the toolstrip are global. They apply to all families of findings.

To filter results by specific content, such as a function name, use the Show only or Filter out text filters. These filters match the text you enter against the content of all the columns in the Results List in Polyspace Access Web Interface. For instance, if you enter foo in the Filter out filter, the Results List hides all the results that contain foo in any of the Results List columns.

You can also filter results by right-clicking the content of a column in the Results List. This action is equivalent to entering the content directly in the Show only or Filter out text filters. For instance, if you right-click foo in the Function column, the filter applies to all results that contain foo in any of the Results List columns.

Filters you apply do not carry over to the next analysis.

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