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Presentation Formatting

Specify formatting for presentation

Specify presentation formatting by using a PowerPoint® presentation template, along with PPT API format objects and properties. See Presentation Formatting Approaches.


getMasterNamesGet names of slide masters for presentation
getLayoutNamesGet names of layouts for presentation slide master
openOpen presentation
closeClose presentation
pptviewOpen Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or convert it to PDF
rptviewDisplay report or presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.getDefaultNumberFormatGet default formatting for PPT API numeric data (Since R2024b)
mlreportgen.ppt.setDefaultNumberFormatSet default formatting of numeric data generated by PPT API (Since R2024b)


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mlreportgen.ppt.BackgroundColorBackground color of presentation element (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.BoldBold for text object
mlreportgen.ppt.FontColorFont color
mlreportgen.ppt.FontFamilyFont family
mlreportgen.ppt.FontSizeFont size
mlreportgen.ppt.HAlignHorizontal alignment of paragraph
mlreportgen.ppt.ItalicItalic for text object
mlreportgen.ppt.StrikeStrikethrough text
mlreportgen.ppt.SubscriptSubscript text
mlreportgen.ppt.SuperscriptSuperscript text
mlreportgen.ppt.UnderlineUnderline text
mlreportgen.ppt.NumberFormatNumber formatting (Since R2024b)
mlreportgen.ppt.BorderBorder of a table or table entry (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.ColSepTable column separators (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.ColSpecFormatting for table column
mlreportgen.ppt.ColWidthTable column width
mlreportgen.ppt.FlowDirectionTable column flow direction (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.RowHeightTable row height (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.RowSepTable row separators (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.TableStyleOptionsStripe table rows and columns
mlreportgen.ppt.TextOrientationOrientation of text in a table entry (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.VAlignVertical alignment of table entry content


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