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Insert parent of table


This component is a parent of a component hierarchy that you specify to insert a table into a report. Adding this component creates a hierarchy that defines a 2x2 table that you modify to define your specific table.


  • Title: Specifies a title for the table. Enter text or %<expr>. If you specify a table title, text in the form Table #: precedes the table title.

  • Title style name: Specifies the style to use with the table title. To specify a style:

    1. Set the report’s File format to one of the from template options, for example, Direct PDF (from template).

    2. In the Table properties dialog box, set Title style name to Specify.

    3. In the Title style name text box, type a style name.

      To take effect, the style you specify must be defined in a table style in the template that you use to generate the report. For more information about template styles, see Report Templates.

  • Number of columns: Specifies the number of columns in the table. Enter a number or %<expr>. A table must have at least one column.

  • Table style name: Specifies the style to use with the table. To specify a style:

    1. Set the report’s File format to one of the from template options, for example, Direct PDF (from template).

    2. Set Table style name to Specify.

    3. In the Table style name text box, type a style name.

      To take effect, the style you specify must be a table style in the template that you use to generate the report. For more information about template styles, see Report Templates.

  • Table width options: Determines the width of the table.

    • Auto: Sets the table width based on the table contents.

    • Specify: Enter the table width as a percentage of the page width (for example, 75%) or as an absolute width. When you specify an absolute width, you can include the units, for example, 5in. Supported units are inches (in), picas (pc), points (pt), and pixels (px). If you do not specify a unit, the default for template-based output types (for example, Word from template) is pixels. For all other output types, the default is points.

  • Table spans page width: Spreads the table across the width of the page. If you clear this property, the table uses the Table width options setting.

  • Border: Specifies whether to draw border lines around the outside edges of the table. For example, to draw a border line only at the top of the table, select Top.

  • Between columns: Draw a vertical line on the right side of each column (except for the last column) in the table.

    To override this setting for a specific column or table entry, use the Column separator property of the Table Column Specification or Table Entry components, respectively.

  • Between rows: Draw a horizontal line at the bottom of each row (except for the last row) in the table.

    To override this setting for a specific table column, row, or entry, use the Row separator property of the appropriate component: Table Column Specification, Table Row, or Table Entry.

  • Horizontal entry alignment: Aligns the position of Table Entry component content relative to the left and right sides of a table column.

    • Left: Aligns content with the left side of the column

    • Center: Aligns content in the middle of the column

    • Right: Aligns content with the right side of the column

    • Double justified: Justifies the left and right sides of the entry content, to avoid ragged left and right alignment

    To override this setting:

    • For a specific table column, use the Entry horizontal alignment property for that table column specification.

    • For a specific table entry, use the Horizontal alignment property for that table entry.

  • Indent: Specifies the amount by which to indent the table from the left edge of an HTML page or from the left margin of a Word page. The specified indent must be positive and may include an optional unit specifier. For example, you can specify 0.67in. If you do not specify a unit, pixels is the assumed unit. Here are the unit abbreviations.

    • in

    • cm

    • mm

    • pt


    To use this option, set the report’s File format to one of the from template options, for example Direct PDF (from template).

  • Rotate table 90 degrees: For PDF and HTML output file formats, rotates the table 90 degrees counterclockwise to the direction of the text flow on the page.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Table.



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