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Custom LAPACK library callback

Callback for custom LAPACK library usage

Model Configuration Pane: Code Generation


The Custom LAPACK library callback parameter specifies a LAPACK library callback class for LAPACK calls in code generated from MATLAB® code. This parameter applies to MATLAB code in a MATLAB Function block, a Stateflow® chart, or a System object™ associated with a MATLAB System block.


'' (default)

Specifird the name of a LAPACK callback class that derives from coder.LAPACKCallback. If you specify a LAPACK callback class, for certain linear algebra functions, the code generator produces LAPACK calls by using the LAPACKE C interface to your LAPACK library. The callback class provides the name of your LAPACKE header file and the information required to link to your LAPACK library. If this parameter is empty, the code generator produces code for linear algebra functions instead of a LAPACK call.


Specify only the name of the class. Do not specify the name of the class definition file.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
EfficiencyNo impact
Safety precautionNo impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: CustomLAPACKCallback
Type: character vector
Value: class name
Default: ''


The class definition file must be in a folder on the MATLAB path.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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