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cgsl_0404: Model startup and shutdown events by using Initialize Function and Terminate Function blocks for component deployment

ID: Titlecgsl_0404: Model startup and shutdown events by using Initialize Function and Terminate Function blocks for component deployment

To model startup and shutdown behavior, use Initialize Function and Terminate Function blocks.


By following this guideline, the code generator produces one initialize function and one terminate function.

When a Terminate Function block is not needed in the model, clear model configuration parameter Terminate function required (IncludeMdlTerminateFcn).


Decouples the execution order of component initialize and terminate functions from the execution order across components.

Separates component startup and shutdown functionality from periodic and aperiodic algorithm function code.

Model Advisor CheckVerify this guideline by using Model Advisor check Check Startup and Shutdown Event (Embedded Coder).

Initialize and terminate events in the model and generated code

void CD_initialize(void)

void CD_terminate(void)

Version History

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Introduced in R2022b

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