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Target Computer Update, Reboot, and Startup Application

With Simulink® Real-Time™ Explorer, you can update the target computer RTOS software, reboot the target computer, and configure a startup application that runs each time you start the target computer.

Update Software

To update the target computer software:

  1. Open Simulink Real-Time Explorer.

  2. In the Targets Tree panel, select target computer TargetPC1.

  3. To update the target computer RTOS software, click the Update Software button.

  4. Click the Disconnected label, toggling it to Connected.

Reboot Target Computer

To reboot the target computer:

  1. Open Simulink Real-Time Explorer.

  2. In the Targets Tree panel, select target computer TargetPC1.

  3. To reboot the target computer, click the Reboot button.

  4. Click the Disconnected label, toggling it to Connected.

Select Startup Application

To configure a startup real-time application:

  1. Open Simulink Real-Time Explorer.

  2. In the Targets Tree panel, select target computer TargetPC1.

  3. To load a real-time application on the target computer, click the Load Application button.

  4. After you load the application, select the application from the Applications on target computer list and select the Startup App The next time the target computer starts or reboots, the application runs on startup.

See Also

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