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Change test harness property


sltest.harness.set(harnessOwner,harnessName,Name,Value) changes a property, specified by one Name,Value pair argument, for the test harness harnessName owned by the model or component harnessOwner.


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This example shows how to change the name of a test harness using sltest.harness.set.

Create a Test Harness

Load the f14 model and create a test harness for the Controller subsystem.

ans = struct with fields:
                    model: 'f14'
                     name: 'Harness1'
              description: ''
              ownerHandle: 344.0022
            ownerFullPath: 'f14/Controller'
                ownerType: 'Simulink.SubSystem'
         verificationMode: 'Normal'
           saveExternally: 0
            rebuildOnOpen: 0
         rebuildModelData: 0
      postRebuildCallback: ''
                graphical: 0
                  origSrc: 'Inport'
                 origSink: 'Outport'
      synchronizationMode: 'SyncOnOpenAndClose'
      existingBuildFolder: ''
    functionInterfaceName: ''

Change the Test Harness Name

Change the name from Harness1 to ControllerHarness.


Close the Model


Input Arguments

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Model or component handle, or path, specified as a character vector or double

Example: 1.9500e+03

Example: 'model_name'

Example: 'model_name/Subsystem'

The name of the harness, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'harness_name'

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Name','updated_harness' specifies a new harness name 'updated_harness'.

The new name for the harness, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Name' and a valid MATLAB filename.

Example: 'Name','new_harness_name'

The new description for the harness, specified by the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Description' and a character vector.

Example: 'Description','An updated test harness'

Option to specify when the component under test synchronizes the main model and the test harness. Subsystem model test harnesses are always synchronized with their underlying model.

  • "SyncOnOpenAndClose" rebuilds the component under test from the main model when the test harness opens, and pushes changes from the component under test to the main model when the test harness closes.

  • "SyncOnOpen" rebuilds the component under test from the main model when the test harness opens. It does not push changes from the component under test to the main model when the test harness closes.

  • "SyncOnPushRebuildOnly" rebuilds and pushes changes only when you manually initiate rebuild or push for the entire test harness.

For more information, see Synchronize Changes Between Test Harness and Model

Example: SynchronizationMode="SyncOnOpen"

Option to have the harness rebuild when it opens, specified as numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Example: RebuildOnOpen=true

Path to main build folder of existing generated code verified using Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) or Processor-in-the-Loop (/PIL), specified as a string or character vector. If you specify a build folder, the function uses the existing code in that folder, which enables faster harness creation time. If you do not specify a build folder, the function regenerates the code. ExistingBuildFolder does not apply if you are create multiple harnesses. You cannot set a default value for this property in an sl_customization file or by using sltest.harness.setHarnessCreateDefaults.

Example: ExistingBuildFolder="C:\TestMdl\SILHarness\Amplifier_ert_rtw"

Option to have the configuration set and model workspace entries updated during test harness rebuild, specified as numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). This option is set to true for Subsystem model test harnesses.

Example: RebuildModelData=true

Option to rebuild the harness without compiling the main model, in which cached information from the most recent compile is used to update the test harness workspace, and conversion subsystems are not updated, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'RebuildWithoutCompile' and true or false.

Example: 'RebuildWithoutCompile',true

Use a post rebuild callback function to customize a test harness. The post rebuild callback function executes after the harness rebuilds. For more information, see Customize Test Harnesses.

Example: 'PostRebuildCallback','HarnessCustomization'

Name of the function interface to associate with the harness, specified as a string or character vector. This option applies only to reusable library components with function interfaces.

Example: 'FunctionInterfaceName','double_RLS'

Version History

Introduced in R2015a