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Parameterizing Blocks from Datasheets

Simscape™ Electrical™ is a system-level simulation tool that provides blocks with a commensurate level of fidelity. Block parameters are designed, where possible, to match the data found on manufacturer datasheets. For example, the bipolar transistor blocks support parameterization in terms of the small-signal quantities quoted on a datasheet, and the underlying model is simpler than models typically used by specialist EDA simulation tools. The smaller number of parameters and simpler underlying models can support MATLAB® system performance analysis better, and thus support design choices. Following system design, you can perform validation in hardware or more detailed modeling and validation using an EDA simulation tool.

The following parameterization examples illustrate various block parameterization techniques:

Most of the time, datasheets should be a sufficient source of parameters for Simscape Electrical blocks (see Examples 1, 2, and 4). Sometimes, there is need for more information than is available on the datasheet, and data can be augmented from a manufacturer SPICE netlist. For example, circuit performance may depend on one or two critical components, and increased accuracy is needed either for parameter values or the underlying model. Simscape Electrical libraries contain a SPICE-compatible sublibrary to support this case, as is illustrated by Example 3. If you have many components that need to be modeled to a high level of accuracy, then Simulink® cosimulation with a specialist circuit simulator may be a better option.

You can also use the SPICE conversion assistant to convert SPICE components into Simscape equivalents. For more information, see Converting a SPICE Netlist to Simscape Blocks

In mechatronic applications in particular, you may need to model input-output behavior of integrated circuits, such as PWM waveform generators and H-bridges. For these two examples, Simscape Electrical libraries contain abstracted-behavior equivalent blocks that you can use. Where you need to model other devices, possible options include creating your own abstracted model using the Simscape language, or using Simulink blocks. For an example of using Simulink blocks, see the Modeling an Integrated Circuit example.

When looking for a datasheet, make sure that you have the originating manufacturer datasheet because some resellers abbreviate them.

For additional ways to parameterize and validate your model, see Additional Parameterization Workflows.

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