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Heaviside step function


H = heaviside(x) evaluates the Heaviside step function (also known as the unit step function) at x; the Heaviside step function returns 0 for x < 0, 1/2 for x = 0, and 1 for x > 0.



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The heaviside function returns 0, 1/2, or 1 depending on the argument value. If the argument is a floating-point number (not a symbolic object), then heaviside returns floating-point results.

Evaluate the Heaviside step function for a symbolic input sym(-3). The function heaviside(x) returns 0 for x < 0.

H = heaviside(sym(-3))
H = 0

Evaluate the Heaviside step function for a symbolic input sym(3). The function heaviside(x) returns 1 for x > 0.

H = heaviside(sym(3))
H = 1

Evaluate the Heaviside step function for a symbolic input sym(0). The function heaviside(x) returns 1/2 for x = 0.

H = heaviside(sym(0))
H = 


For a numeric input x = 0, the function heaviside(x) returns floating-point results.

H = heaviside(0)
H = 

heaviside takes into account assumptions on variables.

Create a symbolic variable x and assume that it is less than 0.

syms x
assume(x < 0)

Evaluate the Heaviside step function for the symbolic input x.

H = heaviside(x)
H = 0

For further computations, clear the assumptions on x by recreating it using syms.

syms x

Plot the Heaviside step function for x and x - 1.

syms x
fplot(heaviside(x), [-2, 2])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type functionline.

fplot(heaviside(x - 1), [-2, 2])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type functionline.

Evaluate the Heaviside function for a symbolic matrix. When the input argument is a matrix, heaviside computes the Heaviside function for each element.

syms x
H = heaviside(sym([-1 0; 1/2 x]))
H = 


Compute derivatives and integrals of expressions involving the Heaviside function.

Find the first derivative of the Heaviside function. The first derivative of the Heaviside function is the Dirac delta function.

syms x
diff_H = diff(heaviside(x),x)
diff_H = δdirac(x)

Evaluate the integral -e-xH(x)dx.

syms x
int_H = int(exp(-x)*heaviside(x),x,-Inf,Inf)
int_H = 1

Find the fourier transform of the Heaviside function.

syms x
F = fourier(heaviside(x))
F = 


Find the laplace transform of the Heaviside function.

syms x
L = laplace(heaviside(x))
L = 


The default value of the Heaviside function at the origin is 1/2.

H = heaviside(sym(0))
H = 


Other common values for the Heaviside function at the origin are 0 and 1. To change the value of heaviside at the origin, use sympref to set the value of the "HeavisideAtOrigin" preference. Store the previous parameter value returned by sympref, so that you can restore it later.

oldparam = sympref("HeavisideAtOrigin",1);

Check the new value of heaviside at 0.

H = heaviside(sym(0))
H = 1

The preferences set by sympref persist throughout your current and future MATLAB® sessions. To restore the previous value of heaviside at the origin, use the value stored in oldparam.


Alternatively, you can restore the default value of "HeavisideAtOrigin" by using the "default" setting.


Input Arguments

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Input, specified as a number, symbolic number, variable, expression, function, vector, or matrix.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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