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Pubblica e iscriviti a un canale ThingSpeak utilizzando Secure MQTT

Questo esempio mostra come utilizzare una scheda ESP8266 per registrare i dati RSSI in ThingSpeak™ tramite MQTT sicuro. Puoi modificare il codice come indicato nei suoi commenti per adattarlo ad altre schede o MQTT non sicure.


1) Crea un canale ThingSpeak , come mostrato in Collect Data in a New Channel.

2) Crea un dispositivo MQTT facendo clic su Dispositivi > MQTT nella parte superiore della pagina ThingSpeak , quindi su Aggiungi dispositivo. Durante la configurazione del dispositivo e l'aggiunta del nuovo canale all'elenco autorizzato, fare clic su Scarica credenziali > Testo normale. Per i dettagli, vedere Crea un dispositivo MQTT ThingSpeak. Utilizza le credenziali salvate nella sezione Codice di seguito.

3) Aggiungi il pacchetto scheda ESP8266:

A. Sotto File > Preferenze, inserisci in Ulteriori URL del Board Manager.

B. Seleziona Strumenti > Bacheche > Gestore bacheche. Inserisci ESP8266 nella barra di ricerca e installa il pacchetto.

4) Scarica le librerie WiFi.h e WiFiClientSecure.h sul tuo Arduino IDE.


1) Definire la rete wireless, le credenziali ThingSpeak MQTT per connettere la scheda, la sicurezza della connessione e includere le librerie appropriate. Modifica questo codice per le tue credenziali e impostazioni particolari.

// Ensure correct credentials to connect to your WiFi Network.
char ssid[] = "ENTER_YOUR_WIFI_SSID";
// Ensure that the credentials here allow you to publish and subscribe to the ThingSpeak channel.
const char mqttUserName[] = "ENTER_YOUR_MQTT_USERNAME"; 
const char clientID[] = "ENTER_YOUR_MQTT_CLIENT_ID";
const char mqttPass[] = "ENTER_YOUR_MQTT_PASSWORD";
// It is strongly recommended to use secure connections. However, certain hardware does not work with the WiFiClientSecure library.
// Comment out the following #define to use non-secure MQTT connections to ThingSpeak server. 
// Comment the following line if not using an ESP8266.
#define ESP8266BOARD

#include <PubSubClient.h>
#ifdef ESP8266BOARD
  #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
  const char* PROGMEM thingspeak_cert_thumbprint = "9780c25078532fc0fd03dae01bfd8c923fff9878";
  #include <WiFi.h>
  const char * PROGMEM thingspeak_ca_cert = \
  "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \
  "MIIDxTCCAq2gAwIBAgIQAqxcJmoLQJuPC3nyrkYldzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBs\n" \
  "d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMSswKQYDVQQDEyJEaWdpQ2VydCBIaWdoIEFzc3VyYW5j\n" \
  "LmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbTErMCkGA1UEAxMiRGlnaUNlcnQgSGlnaCBBc3N1cmFuY2Ug\n" \
  "+9S75S0tMqbf5YE/yc0lSbZxKsPVlDRnogocsF9ppkCxxLeyj9CYpKlBWTrT3JTW\n" \
  "PNt0OKRKzE0lgvdKpVMSOO7zSW1xkX5jtqumX8OkhPhPYlG++MXs2ziS4wblCJEM\n" \
  "xChBVfvLWokVfnHoNb9Ncgk9vjo4UFt3MRuNs8ckRZqnrG0AFFoEt7oT61EKmEFB\n" \
  "Ik5lYYeBQVCmeVyJ3hlKV9Uu5l0cUyx+mM0aBhakaHPQNAQTXKFx01p8VdteZOE3\n" \
  "hzBWBOURtCmAEvF5OYiiAhF8J2a3iLd48soKqDirCmTCv2ZdlYTBoSUeh10aUAsg\n" \
  "nzyIZgYIVyHbIUf4KmeqvxgydkAQV8GK83rZEWWONfqe/EW1ntlMMUu4kehDLI6z\n" \
  "eM7b41N5cdblIZQB2lWHmiRk9opmzN6cN82oNLFpmyPInngiK3BD41VHMWEZ71jF\n" \
  "hS9OMPagMRYjyOfiZRYzy78aG6A9+MpeizGLYAiJLQwGXFK3xPkKmNEVX58Svnw2\n" \
  "Yzi9RKR/5CYrCsSXaQ3pjOLAEFe4yHYSkVXySGnYvCoCWw9E1CAx2/S6cCZdkGCe\n" \
  "vEsXCS+0yx5DaMkHJ8HSXPfqIbloEpw8nL+e/IBcm2PN7EeqJSdnoDfzAIJ9VNep\n" \
  "+OkuE6N36B9K\n" \
  "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";

  #include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
  #define mqttPort 8883
  WiFiClientSecure client; 
  #define mqttPort 1883
  WiFiClient client;

2) Definire i parametri di connessione e inizializzare un'istanza PubSubClient .

const char* server = "";
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS; 
long lastPublishMillis = 0;
int connectionDelay = 1;
int updateInterval = 15;
PubSubClient mqttClient( client );

3) Elabora i messaggi di iscrizione in arrivo, iscriviti per ricevere aggiornamenti e pubblica messaggi.

// Function to handle messages from MQTT subscription.
void mqttSubscriptionCallback( char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length ) {
  // Print the details of the message that was received to the serial monitor.
  Serial.print("Message arrived [");
  Serial.print("] ");
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

// Subscribe to ThingSpeak channel for updates.
void mqttSubscribe( long subChannelID ){
  String myTopic = "channels/"+String( subChannelID )+"/subscribe";

// Publish messages to a ThingSpeak channel.
void mqttPublish(long pubChannelID, String message) {
  String topicString ="channels/" + String( pubChannelID ) + "/publish";
  mqttClient.publish( topicString.c_str(), message.c_str() );

4) Connettiti al WiFi e al server MQTT.

// Connect to WiFi.
void connectWifi()
  Serial.print( "Connecting to Wi-Fi..." );
  // Loop until WiFi connection is successful
  #ifdef ESP8266BOARD
    while ( WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
    while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
    WiFi.begin( ssid, pass );
    delay( connectionDelay*1000 );
    Serial.print( WiFi.status() ); 
  Serial.println( "Connected to Wi-Fi." );

// Connect to MQTT server.
void mqttConnect() {
  // Loop until connected.
  while ( !mqttClient.connected() )
    // Connect to the MQTT broker.
    if ( mqttClient.connect( clientID, mqttUserName, mqttPass ) ) {
      Serial.print( "MQTT to " );
      Serial.print( server );
      Serial.print (" at port ");
      Serial.print( mqttPort );
      Serial.println( " successful." );
    } else {
      Serial.print( "MQTT connection failed, rc = " );
      // See for the failure code explanation.
      Serial.print( mqttClient.state() );
      Serial.println( " Will try again in a few seconds" );
      delay( connectionDelay*1000 );

5) Inizializzare il trasferimento dati seriale e impostare i dettagli del broker MQTT nel metodo setup .

void setup() {
  Serial.begin( 115200 );
  // Delay to allow serial monitor to come up.
  // Connect to Wi-Fi network.
  // Configure the MQTT client
  mqttClient.setServer( server, mqttPort ); 
  // Set the MQTT message handler function.
  mqttClient.setCallback( mqttSubscriptionCallback );
  // Set the buffer to handle the returned JSON. NOTE: A buffer overflow of the message buffer will result in your callback not being invoked.
  mqttClient.setBufferSize( 2048 );
  // Use secure MQTT connections if defined.
    // Handle functionality differences of WiFiClientSecure library for different boards.
    #ifdef ESP8266BOARD

6) Mantenere la connessione MQTT e pubblicare i dati sul canale a intervalli di tempo regolari nel metodo loop .

void loop() {
  // Reconnect to WiFi if it gets disconnected.
  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  // Connect if MQTT client is not connected and resubscribe to channel updates.
  if (!mqttClient.connected()) {
     mqttSubscribe( channelID );
  // Call the loop to maintain connection to the server.
  // Update ThingSpeak channel periodically. The update results in the message to the subscriber.
  if ( abs(long(millis()) - lastPublishMillis) > updateInterval*1000) {
    mqttPublish( channelID, (String("field1=")+String(WiFi.RSSI())) );
    lastPublishMillis = millis();

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