Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

2 variable surface plot with isoline

12 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello, my question is if there is a way to put an isoline on an existing surface plot.
For example I have this surface plot
fsurf(@(x1,x2) sin(x1)^2 -0.2*x1*x2,[0 6]) (please rotate the view for better understanding)
Now, on this surface, I want to add a black line where the following plane intersects (hopefully I make sense)
hold on
fsurf(@(x1,x2) sin(x1)^2 -0.2*x1*x2==0,[0 6])
But I do not need the whole plane added.
Any ideas please?

Risposta accettata

Chunru il 3 Set 2021
[x, y] = meshgrid(0:.1:6, 0:.1:6);
z = sin(x).^2 -0.2*x.*y;
s = surfl(x, y, z);
s.EdgeColor = 'none';
view(-120, 30)
hold on
contour3(x, y, z, [0 0], 'r-')

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