Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Show line above surf plot in 2D view

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Jacob il 6 Ago 2014
Commentato: Ben11 il 11 Ago 2014
I'm trying to modify ginput such that it will allow the following:
I have a 2D matrix. I plot the values in an axes using "surf" with a custom colormap. This part works.
Click a point on the graph. Move the mouse. Draw a line, connecting the first point click to the current position of the mouse.
The problem is, even with my efforts to draw the line in front, it shows up hidden behind my plot.
This is the code that executes in ginputmodded after the first click:
if isempty(out1)
lineconnect = line('LineWidth',5, ...
'XData',[pt(1,1),pt(1,1)], 'YData',[pt(1,2),pt(1,2)])
v = allchild(gca)
vsize = length(v);
lineposinv = find(v == lineconnect)%index of lineconnect in v
uistack(lineconnect,'up', lineposinv-1)%move lineconnect to front
v = allchild(gca)
The following executes when the mouse is moved (WindowButtonMotionFcn):
function dummy()
pts = pointstore;
if ~isempty(pts) %block only executes after a point is clicked
lineconnect = linestore();
cp = get(gca,'CurrentPoint');
v = allchild(gca)
vsize = length(v);
lineposinv = find(v == lineconnect)%index of lineconnect in v
uistack(lineconnect,'up', lineposinv-1)%move to front
v = allchild(gca)
linestore and pointstore are helper functions that store a persistent variable. They work fine.
Any ideas how I could make this work properly? I'm using MATLAB R2014a on Windows 7.

Risposta accettata

Jacob il 8 Ago 2014
I crossposted this on StackOverflow and got a solution from user patrik. Thought I'd share it here in case anyone else comes looking. Turns out using surf with view(2) still preserves the z-axis. So I just plotted the connecting line with 'ZData' at 2^16, guaranteed larger than any of my plot values. Works splendidly.
"Ok, I am not sure this solves the problem, but it likely will. The thing with 2D view: This is only another perspective of the plot. The data will still have 3D coordinates. I am not entirely sure, but if I recall correctly, ginput gives the coordinates in xy. This means that if you want to display a line above the surf plot you need to set its z-coordinate to larger than maximum surf value."

Più risposte (1)

Ben11 il 6 Ago 2014
You could try to inverse the order of your axes' children after drawing the line, so that it comes up at the front and the plot stays at the back:
I can't test it now though so it might very well not work in your case :)
  1 Commento
Jacob il 6 Ago 2014
Nope, didn't work, the line still appears behind the plot.

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