Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Not enough Input arguments

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
sanjiv kumar
sanjiv kumar il 13 Ott 2021
Commentato: sanjiv kumar il 13 Ott 2021
Dear Matlab experts, while running the code i am getting an error, if anyone of you could help i would be really greatful.
The error i am getting
Not enough input arguments.
Error in qardlecm (line 24)
nn = size(data,1);
--The code I want to run---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This procedure file provides the following outputs
% Short-run parameters (phi, theta) and its covariance matrix
% For this output, the following inputs are required
% 1) data : (n*(1+k)) matrix, where the 1st column is the dependent
% variable, and the last k columns are explanatory variables
% 2) ppp : p value of QARDL-ECM(p,q) model
% 3) qqq : q value of QARDL-ECM(p,q) model
% 4) tau : (s*1) vector of quantiles, which is sorted from the smallest to
% the largest.
% November 17, 2020
% Jin Seo Cho
function[bigphia,bigpia,thett,distthett] = qardlecm(data,ppp,qqq,tau)
nn = size(data,1);
k0 = size(data,2)-1;
ss = size(tau,1);
tau = sort(tau,1);
pd = makedist('normal','mu',0,'sigma',1);
za = icdf(pd,0.975);
hb = zeros(ss,1);
hs = zeros(ss,1);
for jj = 1:ss
hb(jj,1) = (4.5*normpdf(icdf(pd,tau(jj,1)))^4/(nn*(2*icdf(pd,tau(jj,1))^2+1)^2))^0.2;
hs(jj,1) = za^(2/3)*(1.5*normpdf(icdf(pd,tau(jj,1)))^2/(nn*(2*icdf(pd,tau(jj,1))^2+1)))^(1/3);
yy = data(:,1);
xx = data(:,2:size(data,2));
ee = xx(2:nn,:) - xx(1:(nn-1),:);
ee = [zeros(1,k0);ee];
eei = zeros(nn-qqq,qqq*k0);
xxi = xx(qqq+1:nn,:);
yyi = zeros(nn-ppp,ppp);
for jj = 1:k0
for ii = 0:qqq-1
eei(:, ii+1+(jj-1)*qqq) = ee((qqq+1-ii):(nn-ii),jj);
for ii = 1:ppp
yyi(:,ii) = yy((1+ppp-ii):(nn-ii),1);
if (ppp>qqq)
X = [eei((size(eei,1)+1-size(yyi,1)):size(eei,1),:), xxi((size(xxi,1)+1-size(yyi,1)):size(xxi,1),:), yyi];
X = [eei, xxi, yyi((size(yyi,1)+1-size(xxi,1)):size(yyi,1),:)];
ONEX = [ones(size(X,1),1),X];
Y = yy((nn-size(X,1)+1):nn,1);
bt = zeros(size(ONEX,2),ss);
fh = zeros(ss,1);
uu = zeros(nn-2,ss);
for jj = 1:ss
[bt1] = qregressMatlab(Y,ONEX,tau(jj,1));
uu(:,jj) = Y - ONEX*bt1;
fh(jj,1) = mean(normpdf(-uu(:,jj)/hb(jj,1)))/hb(jj,1);
bt(:,jj) = bt1;
barw = zeros(nn-1,qqq*k0);
for jj = 1:qqq
barw(jj:(nn-1),(k0*(jj-1)+1):k0*jj) = ee(2:(nn-jj+1),:);
tw = [ones(nn-1,1), barw];
mm = (xx((qqq+1):nn,:)'*xx((qqq+1):nn,:) - xx((qqq+1):nn,:)'*tw(qqq:(nn-1),:)*inv(tw(qqq:(nn-1),:)'*tw(qqq:(nn-1),:))*tw(qqq:(nn-1),:)'*xx((qqq+1):nn,:))/(nn-qqq)^2;
bb = zeros(ss,1);
for jj = 1:ss
bb(jj,1) = 1/((1-sum(bt(2+(qqq+1)*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0+ppp,jj),1)')*fh(jj,1));
qq = zeros(ss,ss);
for jj = 1:ss
for ii = 1:ss
psu = zeros(2,1);
psu(1,1) = tau(jj,1);
psu(2,1) = tau(ii,1);
qq(jj,ii) = (min(psu,[],1)' - tau(jj,1)*tau(ii,1))*bb(jj,1)*bb(ii,1);
midbt = zeros(k0,ss);
for jj = 1:ss
midbt(:,jj) = bt(2+qqq*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0,jj)/(1-sum(bt(2+(qqq+1)*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0+ppp,jj),1)');
bigbt = reshape(midbt,[],1);
bigbtmm = kron(qq,inv(mm));
if (ppp>qqq)
yyj = zeros(nn-ppp,ppp);
xxj = zeros(nn-ppp,k0);
wwj = zeros(nn-ppp,qqq*k0);
for jj = 1:ppp
yyj(:,jj) = yy((ppp+1-jj):(nn-jj),1);
for ii = 1:k0
for jj = 1:qqq
wwj(:,jj+(ii-1)*qqq) = ee((ppp-jj+2):(nn-jj+1),ii);
xxj = xx((ppp+1):nn,:);
kk = zeros(nn-ppp,ss*ppp);
for jj = 1:ppp
Y = yyj(:,jj);
ONEX = [ones(nn-ppp,1),xxj,wwj];
for ii = 1:ss
[bbt] = qregressMatlab(Y,ONEX,tau(ii,1));
kkk = Y - ONEX*bbt;
kk(:,jj+(ii-1)*ppp) = kkk;
kka1 = kk(:,2);
kka2 = kk(:,4);
kka3 = kk(:,6);
kka = [kka1,kka2,kka3];
tilw = tw(ppp:(nn-1),:);
llla = (kka'*kka - kka'*tilw*inv(tilw'*tilw)*tilw'*kka)/(nn-ppp);
yyj = zeros(nn-qqq,ppp);
xxj = zeros(nn-qqq,k0);
wwj = zeros(nn-qqq,qqq*k0);
for jj = 1:ppp
yyj(:,jj) = yy((qqq+1-jj):(nn-jj),1);
for ii = 1:k0
for jj = 1:qqq
wwj(:,jj+(ii-1)*qqq) = ee((qqq-jj+2):(nn-jj+1),ii);
xxj = xx((qqq+1):nn,:);
kk = zeros(nn-qqq,ss*ppp);
for jj = 1:ppp
Y = yyj(:,jj);
ONEX = [ones(nn-qqq,1), xxj, wwj];
for ii = 1:ss
[bbt] = qregressMatlab(Y,ONEX,tau(jj,1));
kkk = Y - ONEX*bbt;
kk(:,jj+(ii-1)*ppp) = kkk;
kka1 = kk(:,2);
kka2 = kk(:,4);
kka3 = kk(:,6);
kka = [kka1,kka2,kka3];
tilw = tw(qqq:(nn-1),:);
llla = (kka'*kka - kka'*tilw*inv(tilw'*tilw)*tilw'*kka)/(nn-qqq);
cc = zeros(ss,ss);
for jj = 1:ss
for ii = 1:ss
psu = zeros(2,1);
psu(1,1) = tau(jj,1);
psu(2,1) = tau(ii,1);
cc(jj,ii) = (min(psu,[],1)' - tau(jj,1)*tau(ii,1))/(fh(ii,1)*fh(jj,1));
bigpia = zeros(ss*(ppp-1),ss*(ppp-1));
for jj = 1:ss
for ii = 1:ss
psu = inv(llla((jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1),(jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1)))*llla((jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1),(ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1))*inv(llla((ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1),(ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1)));
bigpia((jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1),(ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1)) = cc(jj,ii)*psu;
midphi = zeros(ppp,ss);
for jj = 1:ss
midphi(:,jj) = bt(2+(qqq+1)*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0+ppp,jj);
bigphi = reshape(midphi,[],1);
bigphia1 = bigphi(2,1);
bigphia2 = bigphi(4,1);
bigphia3 = bigphi(6,1);
bigphia = [bigphia1; bigphia2; bigphia3];
dg = [nn^(1/2),0,0; 0,nn^(1/2),0; 0,0,nn];
uu2 = uu;
tilwb = tilw(:,2);
r1 = 1;
r2 = sum(tilwb,1)*(nn-2)^(-1);
r3 = sum(xx(3:nn,1),1)*(nn-2)^(-3/2);
r4 = r2;
rh5 = tilwb'*tilwb;
r5 = rh5*(nn-2)^(-1);
rh6 = tilwb'*xx(3:nn,1);
r6 = rh6*(nn-2)^(-3/2);
r7 = r3;
r8 = r6;
rh9 = xx(3:nn,1)'*xx(3:nn,1);
r9 = rh9*(nn-2)^(-2);
QQQ = [r1, r2, r3 ; r4, r5, r6; r7, r8, r9];
psiu = zeros(nn-2,3);
for jj = 1:3
for rr = 1:nn-2
if (uu2(rr,jj)<= 0)
psiu(rr,jj) = tau(jj,1)-1;
psiu(rr,jj) = tau(jj,1);
sigmma = psiu'*psiu*(1/(nn-2));
psiu1 = psiu(1:nn-2,1);
psiu2 = psiu(1:nn-2,2);
psiu3 = psiu(1:nn-2,3);
sium1 = mean(psiu1);
sium2 = mean(psiu2);
sium3 = mean(psiu3);
sigma1 = mean(psiu1.^(2));
sigma2 = mean(psiu2.^(2));
sigma3 = mean(psiu3.^(2));
distmt1 = nn*fh(1,1)^(-2)*sigmma(1,1)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt2 = nn*fh(1,1)^(-1)*fh(2,1)^(-1)*sigmma(1,2)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt3 = nn*fh(1,1)^(-1)*fh(3,1)^(-1)*sigmma(1,3)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt4 = nn*fh(2,1)^(-1)*fh(1,1)^(-1)*sigmma(2,1)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt5 = nn*fh(2,1)^(-2)*sigmma(2,2)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt6 = nn*fh(2,1)^(-1)*fh(3,1)^(-1)*sigmma(2,3)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt7 = nn*fh(3,1)^(-1)*fh(1,1)^(-1)*sigmma(3,1)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt8 = nn*fh(3,1)^(-1)*fh(2,1)^(-1)*sigmma(3,2)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
distmt9 = nn*fh(3,1)^(-2)*sigmma(3,3)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);
A11 = distmt1(2,2);
A12 = distmt1(3,3);
A13 = 2*distmt1(2,3);
A21 = distmt2(2,2);
A22 = distmt2(3,3);
A23 = 2*distmt2(2,3);
A31 = distmt3(2,2);
A32 = distmt3(3,3);
A33 = 2*distmt3(2,3);
A41 = distmt4(2,2);
A42 = distmt4(3,3);
A43 = 2*distmt4(2,3);
A51 = distmt5(2,2);
A52 = distmt5(3,3);
A53 = 2*distmt5(2,3);
A61 = distmt6(2,2);
A62 = distmt6(3,3);
A63 = 2*distmt6(2,3);
A71 = distmt7(2,2);
A72 = distmt7(3,3);
A73 = 2*distmt7(2,3);
A81 = distmt8(2,2);
A82 = distmt8(3,3);
A83 = 2*distmt8(2,3);
A91 = distmt9(2,2);
A92 = distmt9(3,3);
A93 = 2*distmt9(2,3);
distcon1 = A11 + A12 + A13;
distcon2 = A21 + A22 + A23;
distcon3 = A31 + A32 + A33;
distcon4 = A41 + A42 + A43;
distcon5 = A51 + A52 + A53;
distcon6 = A61 + A62 + A63;
distcon7 = A71 + A72 + A73;
distcon8 = A81 + A82 + A83;
distcon9 = A91 + A92 + A93;
distthett = [distcon1, distcon2, distcon3 ; distcon4, distcon5, distcon6 ; distcon7, distcon8, distcon9];
thett1 = bt(2,1) + bt(3,1);
thett2 = bt(2,2) + bt(3,2);
thett3 = bt(2,3) + bt(3,3);
thett = [thett1 ; thett2 ; thett3];
  2 Commenti
Stephen23 il 13 Ott 2021
Modificato: Stephen23 il 13 Ott 2021
qardlecm requires four inout arguments when it is called. What inputs are you supplying when you call it?
sanjiv kumar
sanjiv kumar il 13 Ott 2021
Thank you so much. Now I have got the answer, I was not providing all the four input as it requires. Now I am able to run the code.

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Risposte (1)

Jan il 13 Ott 2021
Stephen hits the point:
This shows, that you call the function without input arguments. Perhaps you start it by clicking on the green triangle in the editor. You need to provide 4 inputs instead.
  1 Commento
sanjiv kumar
sanjiv kumar il 13 Ott 2021
Thank you all, the above suggestion are helpful. I am able to run the code.

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