Creating a scatter plot with smooth lines and markers?

210 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello, I am trying to create a scatter plot with smooth lines and markers in Matlab, as I can do easily in Excel. I do not think there is a way to use the scatter command to do this, so I'm asking if there is another way to plot the data in the same way (scatter format) but with smooth lines and markers? Thank you.
  4 Commenti
Chetan Rawal
Chetan Rawal il 18 Dic 2014
I am not quite sure what you mean by a line connecting all points. Scatter diagram by definition places points on the plot.
1) If you are looking for a line connecting the points, use the plot command instead
2) If you want a smooth line that best fits through all your points (but not necessarily passes through them), then you need to do curve fitting . If you want a smooth line passing through all points, try using splines .
Ashley il 18 Dic 2014
I have also tried sorting the data but I think I may have to use splines. I want a smooth line passing from 1st point to 2nd point, to 3rd point, etc. How do I use splines?

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Risposta accettata

Chad Greene
Chad Greene il 18 Dic 2014
Modificato: Chad Greene il 18 Dic 2014
You can plot the line with plot(x,y,'-',lineproperty,linevalue) then use hold on and plot markers of the same data with plot(x,y,'x',markerproperty,markervalue) or you can combine them into one command like this:
  4 Commenti
Ashley il 18 Dic 2014
The data are already sorted according to the independent variable. I've attached a picture of what the graph's shape looks like when it is done using scatter command. This is how I would like it to stay however with lines connecting each point consecutively. (1st point connected to 2nd point, connected to 3rd point, etc.)
Chad Greene
Chad Greene il 19 Dic 2014
I suspect something in your data set is out of order.
indep = 1:.1:10;
dep = sin(indep)+rand(size(indep));
looks good. Then get the data out of order:
rp = randperm(91);

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Più risposte (2)

Scott Webster
Scott Webster il 18 Dic 2014
You can use both the scatter and line commands like this...
x = [1 2 3]
y = [1 3 9]
hold on
xlim([0 4])
ylim([0 10])
  2 Commenti
Ashley il 18 Dic 2014
I also tried using what you recommended however the lines are being drawn from every point to every other point it seems, and I am getting one big jumbled mess. I know it works for points that do not seem to overlap as in your example, but it is not working for my data. I just want to connect the first point with the second point, to the third point, etc. This is what I used with my code:
x = resty12013 %a column of data points
y = z12013 % another column of data points
hold on
xlim([0 10000])
ylim([419 430])
Scott Webster
Scott Webster il 19 Dic 2014
Sounds like maybe you are not sorting correctly. Anyway, here are three examples in case it helps:
%%plot 1
x = [1 2 3 1.5];
y = [1 4 9 5];
hold on
xlim([0 4])
ylim([0 10])
%%plot 2
sorted=sortrows([x' y']);
sorted_x = sorted(:,1);
sorted_y = sorted(:,2);
hold on
xlim([0 4])
ylim([0 10])
%%plot 3
fity = interp1(sorted_x,sorted_y,fitx,'spline');
hold on
xlim([0 4])
ylim([0 10])

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Biswas Lohani V K
Biswas Lohani V K il 15 Mag 2016
Awesome !!!!!!


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