How to color each cluster with different color ?

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
sam mohel
sam mohel il 18 Apr 2022
Modificato: sam mohel il 22 Apr 2022
function cluster_dp(filename, percent)
shapeset = load(filename);
distset = shapeset2distset(shapeset);
%dc = computeDc(distset, percent);
dc = 0.048;
fprintf('average percentage of neighbours (hard coded): %5.6f\n', percent);
fprintf('Computing Rho with gaussian kernel of radius: %12.6f\n', dc);
rhos = getLocalDensity(distset, dc);
%rho_delta = load('vc/rho_delta.txt');
%rhos = rho_delta(:, 1)';
[deltas, nneigh] = getDistanceToHigherDensity(distset, rhos);
%deltas = rho_delta(:, 2)';
showDeltas(rhos, deltas);
[min_rho, min_delta] = selectRect();
filter = (rhos > min_rho) & (deltas > min_delta);
cluster_num = sum(filter);
fprintf('rho: %f, delta: %f, number of clusters: %i \n', min_rho, min_delta, cluster_num);
ords = find(filter);
cluster = zeros(size(rhos));
color = 1;
for i = 1:size(ords, 2)
cluster(ords(i)) = color;
color = color + 1;
[sorted_rhos, rords] = sort(rhos, 'descend');
for i = 1:size(rords, 2)
if cluster(rords(i)) == 0
neigh_cluster = cluster(nneigh(rords(i)));
assert(neigh_cluster ~= 0, 'neigh_cluster has not assign!');
cluster(rords(i)) = neigh_cluster;
showColorShape(shapeset, cluster, cluster_num, ords);
halo = cluster;
dc_filter = (distset ~= 0) & (distset < dc);
elnum = size(distset, 1);
rhos_matrix = repmat(rhos', 1, elnum);
rhos_items = repmat(rhos, elnum, 1);
rho_filter = rhos_matrix > rhos_items;
cluster_filter = repmat(cluster', 1, elnum) ~= repmat(cluster, elnum, 1);
halo_filter = dc_filter & rho_filter & cluster_filter;
bord_rhos = zeros(size(halo_filter));
bord_rhos(halo_filter) = (rhos_matrix(halo_filter) + rhos_items(halo_filter)) / 2;
r = max(bord_rhos, [], 1);
c = max(bord_rhos, [], 2);
d = [r; c'];
e = max(d, [], 1);
[row, col, v] = find(e);
cluster_rho = zeros(cluster_num);
for i = col
if e(i) > cluster_rho(cluster(i))
cluster_rho(cluster(i)) = e(i);
for i = 1:elnum
if rhos(i) < cluster_rho(cluster(i))
halo(i) = 0;
showElementCount(cluster, halo, cluster_num);
showHaloShape(shapeset, cluster, halo, cluster_num, ords);
function showElementCount(cluster, halo, cluster_num)
faa = fopen("assign.txt","w")
for i = 0:cluster_num
halo_filter = (halo == i);
cluster_filter = (cluster == i);
nc = length(find(cluster_filter));
nh = length(find(halo_filter));
fprintf('CLUSTER: %i, ELEMENTS: %i, CORE: %i, HALO: %i\n', i, nc, nh, nc-nh);
fprintf(faa, '%i %i %i\n',i,cl(i),halo(i));
function [min_rho, min_delta] = selectRect()
rect = getrect
%fprintf('rect(x:%i y:%i width:%i height:%i)\n', rectangle(1), rectangle(2), rectangle(3), rectangle(4));
min_rho = rect(1);
min_delta = rect(2);
function showHaloShape(shapeset, cluster, halo, cluster_num, ords)
hold on;
cmap = colormap;
for i = 0:cluster_num
filter = (halo == i);
x = shapeset(:, 1)';
y = shapeset(:, 2)';
xx = x(filter);
yy = y(filter);
ic = int8(i * 32.0 / cluster_num) + 1;
%fprintf('i: %d, cluster_element: %d\n', i, size(xx, 2));
tt=plot(xx, yy, 'o', 'MarkerSize', 2, 'MarkerFaceColor', cmap(ic,:), 'MarkerEdgeColor', cmap(ic,:));
for i = 1:size(ords, 2)
color = cluster(ords(i));
x = shapeset(ords(i), 1);
y = shapeset(ords(i), 2);
ic = int8(color * 64.0 / cluster_num);
tt=plot([x], [y], 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', cmap(ic,:), 'MarkerEdgeColor', cmap(ic,:));
text = strcat('HaloShape: ', num2str(cluster_num));
title (text, 'FontSize', 15.0);
xlabel ('x');
ylabel ('y');
function showColorShape(shapeset, cluster, cluster_num, ords)
hold on;
cmap = colormap;
color = lines(6); % Generate color values
for i = 0:cluster_num
filter = (cluster == i);
x = shapeset(:, 1)';
y = shapeset(:, 2)';
xx = x(filter);
yy = y(filter);
ic = int8(i * 32.0 / cluster_num) + 1;
%fprintf('i: %d, cluster_element: %d\n', i, size(xx, 2));
tt=plot(xx, yy, 'o', 'MarkerSize', 2, 'MarkerFaceColor', cmap(ic,:), 'MarkerEdgeColor', cmap(ic,:));
%C = hsv(6);
for i = 1:size(ords, 2)
color = cluster(ords(i));
x = shapeset(ords(i), 1);
y = shapeset(ords(i), 2);
ic = int8(color * 64.0 / cluster_num);
tt=plot([x], [y], 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', cmap(ic,:), 'MarkerEdgeColor', cmap(ic,:));
text = strcat('ColorShape: ', num2str(cluster_num));
title (text, 'FontSize', 15.0);
xlabel ('x');
ylabel ('y');
function showShapeSet(shapeset)
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
figure('Position', [6 72 scrsz(3)/2. scrsz(4)/1.3]);
tt = plot(shapeset(:, 1), shapeset(:, 2), 'o', 'MarkerSize', 2, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
text = 'LoadShape';
title (text, 'FontSize', 15.0);
xlabel ('x');
ylabel ('y');
function showDeltas(rhos, deltas)
tt = plot(rhos(:), deltas(:), 'o', 'MarkerSize', 3, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
text = strcat('max rho: ', num2str(max(rhos)), ', delta: ', num2str(max(deltas)));
title (text, 'FontSize', 15.0);
xlabel ('rho');
ylabel ('delta');

Risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 18 Apr 2022
Very simple. Just use the function made for that. It's called gscatter().
  5 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 22 Apr 2022
Attach all needed m-files with the paperclip icon. then tell us which m-file needs to be run to run your code, and if any input arguments need to be assigned in advance.
sam mohel
sam mohel il 22 Apr 2022
Modificato: sam mohel il 22 Apr 2022
i attached all the files needed to run the code . you should run main.m file to run the code. inside in this file you will speicify the text file location which contains the points need to be cluster .. Thanks a lot for helping

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