error using Matrix Dimensions

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qusay hawari
qusay hawari il 16 Gen 2015
Commentato: qusay hawari il 16 Gen 2015
Fs = 5000; Fc = 2000; t = [0:Fs-1]'/Fs; m = cos(2*pi*(20)*t); mhilb = conv((1/pi*t),m);
s = m.*cos(2*pi*Fc*t) + mhilb.*sin(2*pi*Fc*t); plot(t,s)
Error Error using .* Matrix dimensions must agree.
Please HELP!!!!

Risposta accettata

Henrik il 16 Gen 2015
If you format your code it's easier to read for people here.
The error message means that some of the matrices that you multiply are not the same size.
It's mhilb that's different, try
mhilb = conv((1/pi*t),m,'same');
  1 Commento
qusay hawari
qusay hawari il 16 Gen 2015
Thanks it worked! ya i will format my codes next time(its my first time). :)

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