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Close-In path loss model

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Rahul Gulia
Rahul Gulia il 16 Mag 2022
Commentato: Rahul Gulia il 24 Mag 2022
Hi team,
I am trying to replicate some results from the research paper "Multi-Frequency Multi-Scenario Millimeter Wave MIMO Channel Measurements and Modeling for "B5G Wireless Communication Systems".
I am trying to model the Close-In path loss model from the paper, and trying to creating the following plot.
for the following parameters;
I have reproduced the Free space path loss model, but I am not able to reproduce the Close-In path loss model. I would really appreciate any kind of input on this topic.
function PL = My_FreeSpace_PL(freq, dist)
c = physconst('lightspeed');
PL = fspl(dist,c/freq);
function PL = My_CI_PL(freq, dist,n,sigma)
c = physconst('lightspeed');
PL = fspl(dist,c/freq) + 10*n*log10(dist) + sigma*randn(size(dist));
%% Main Code
clear all;
close all;
%% Free Space path loss model
c = physconst('lightspeed');
R0 = 1:2:1000;
freq = 28e9;
% apathloss = fspl(R0,c/freq);
for k = 1:length(R0)
apathloss(k) = My_FreeSpace_PL(freq, R0(k));
figure(2) % Replicating the research paper FSPL
grid on;
% ylim([90 200]);
legend('Frequency: 28 GHz');
xlabel('Tx-Rx distance (m)');
ylabel('Path Loss (dB)');
title('Free Space Path Loss');
%% CI path loss model
% 28 GHz band
n1 = 2.637;
sigma1 = 5.47;
f1 = 28e3;
for k = 1:length(R0)
CI_PL1(k) = My_CI_PL(f1,R0(k),n1,sigma1);
grid on;
My Output:

Risposta accettata

Rahul Gulia
Rahul Gulia il 16 Mag 2022
Hello everyone,
One solution that I found myself was to increase the distance from
R0 = 1:2:1000;
R0 = 1:250:1000;
  2 Commenti
mer potter
mer potter il 24 Mag 2022
Hello. Have you solved your problem with the close in path loss model? I have a similar assignment in my graduate thesis and it would be awesome if you could send me your code.
Rahul Gulia
Rahul Gulia il 24 Mag 2022
Yes I solved the problem. I have also put my code over there. Kindly copy it and use it for your reference.
And change the distance to R0 = 1:250:1000;
Hope that helps.
Thank you,
Rahul Singh Gulia

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