How to do a Numerical Integration of an Array Valued Function Handle with an Array as a limit?
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Kevin Redeker
il 11 Feb 2015
Commentato: Kevin Redeker
il 16 Feb 2015
Hi there, I have a little trouble with the following numerical integration problem. At the moment I have created two coefficient matrices A and B which are applied to the function handle fi. Both matrices A and B are of size n x n x n. The function is of the sort:
f = @(t) cos(A*t) + sin(B + sin(2*A*t))
The real function is more complex but I think this is sufficient for the problem I'm having. This function should be integrated, where the upper limit is stored in A at each corresponding position. I already tried arrayfun.
arrayfun(@(x) integral(f, 0, x, 'ArrayValued', true), A, 'UniformOutput', false)
But I don't think that it does what I want it to do, which is simply to numerically integrate for each individual instance of the function in the array with the corresponding upper limit.
It is maybe helpful to state where I'm coming from with this problem. The core problem is that I'm having a function that uses 3 for-loops to accomplish what I'm trying to do without any loops:
for i = 1:h
for j = 1:t
theta_s = theta(j);
for k = 1:v,
To = aux(i,j) * aux2(k);
result = integral(f, 0, To);
Integ2(i,j,k) = aux3(k,j) * result / Integ1(j);
Here theta, aux, aux2, aux3 and Integ1 are arrays, which are passed to the function. To and theta_s are declared as global variables, so that the function f always uses the correct values for the evaluation of the integral.
Since the whole function is called in other for-loops, it takes forever to do it this way and I think there must be a way to solve this loop-free and therefore faster. Maybe I'm just to worked up in the problem and can't see the wood for the trees. Help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Mike Hosea
il 13 Feb 2015
I'm not sure it helps anything, but you don't need global variables for that. Instead, make f a function of both t and theta_s, and on To as well if you need that. The call site would look like
result = integral(@(t)f(t,theta_s,To), 0, To);
Now if you integrand depends on To, then the only way to use 'ArrayValued' is to transform the problem so that each integral has the same upper bound. This might or might not be a good thing to do, depending on how efficient you can make the transformed integrand function.
But on the whole, "vectorizing" multiple integrations is a mixed bag. It seems like a good idea, and it is in some cases, but adaptive integration is all about putting extra evaluations of the integrand only where they are needed. If you try to compute simultaneously a bunch of integrals with things going on at different frequencies, you are at risk of just doing a lot of evaluations everywhere, which is wasted effort on most components but needed on some. It might be faster or it might be slower.
3 Commenti
Mike Hosea
il 15 Feb 2015
Modificato: Mike Hosea
il 15 Feb 2015
The ways of solving it faster that I can think of all involved transforming the integrand. Here's an example I just made up showing the brute force approach with the loop, the transformed approach, and the full-on arrayvalued approach.
function arrayval
f = @(x,v,t)cos(v*x + t*x^2)
v = (1:10).'
t = linspace(0,1,7)
a = pi/2;
% First way. Integrate f from a to t(j).
Q1 = zeros(length(v),length(t));
for j = 1:length(t)
Q1(:,j) = integral(@(x)f(x,v,t(j)),a,t(j),'ArrayValued',true);
% Intermediate approach. Transform the problem so that the integrals are
% calculated over the interval from 0 to 1.
g = @(u,v,t,a)f(a + u*(t - a),v,t)*(t - a);
Q2 = zeros(length(v),length(t));
for j = 1:length(t)
Q2(:,j) = integral(@(u)g(u,v,t(j),a),0,1,'ArrayValued',true);
norm(Q2(:) - Q1(:))
% Fully vectorized and transformed.
Q3 = integral(@(u)h(u,v,t,a),0,1,'ArrayValued',true);
norm(Q3(:) - Q1(:))
function y = h(u,v,t,a)
tma = t - a;
x = a + u*tma;
vx = bsxfun(@times,v,x);
tx2 = t.*x.^2;
fx = cos(bsxfun(@plus,vx,tx2));
y = bsxfun(@times,fx,tma);
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