Bump --> How to change tick label fonts in Matlab figure

19 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am plotting a bode diagram of transfer functions. I want the "tick label" fonts of both the magnitude plot and phase plot to be of size 20 and to be black color. For some reason the tick label font size of the magnitude plot is always small. And the tick label font color is grey. It would be great help if someone could point me towards a way of doing it.
The code is as follows:
s = tf('s');
tf1 = s/(s+1); tf2 = (s+2)/(s^2+2*s+3);
figure; hold on;
object_handles2 = findall(gcf);
c1d = findobj(object_handles2,'Type','text');
c2d = findobj(object_handles2,'Type','line');
set(c1d,'FontSize',20,'FontWeight','bold','color',[0 0 0])
set(gcf,'Position',[100 0 700 700])
hold off;

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Shoaibur Rahman
Shoaibur Rahman il 25 Feb 2015
Here is an example on how you could use set function to accomplish your job. Delete any pairs of input arguments if not required.
  2 Commenti
Sheikh il 25 Feb 2015
Thanks. But it is still not changing the tick labels of the magnitude plot. Tick labels only on the phase plot is changing. Is there a way to get handle on both the magnitude and phase plot?
Shoaibur Rahman
Shoaibur Rahman il 26 Feb 2015
Instead of bode , use bodeplot function, and then set properties using getoptions and setoptions functions.
h = bodeplot(tf1,'b',tf2,'r');
p = getoptions(h);
p.Ticklabel.FontSize = 20;
p.Ticklabel.Color = 'k';

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